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研究生: 黃詩霓
Shih-Ni Huang
論文名稱: 手機遊戲玩家的特質與公益行為之探討
A Study on the Characteristics and Public Welfare Behavior of Mobile Game Players
指導教授: 吳克振
Cou-Chen Wu
口試委員: 張順教
Shun- Chaio Chang
Hui-Chih Wang
Cou-Chen Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 90
中文關鍵詞: 自尊勇於挑戰匱乏感角色認同購買意願心理所有權行為意圖
外文關鍵詞: self-esteem, courage to challenge, scarcity, role identity, purchase intention, psychological ownership, behavioral intention
相關次數: 點閱:621下載:0
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  • 由於近年來的 Covid-19 疫情讓大家只能待在家裡,引發對電子遊戲、手機遊戲等在家就能遊玩的休閒娛樂需求,也使得遊戲產業的收入大增,其中手機線上遊戲的產值更是不容小覷。

      Due to the Covid-19 epidemic in recent years, people could only stay at home, which has led to the demand for leisure and entertainment such as video games and mobile games that can be played at home. This trend cannot be underestimated.
      Because the reasons why players play mobile games are affected by many factors, the study "Influence of Personal Traits on Mobile Game Motivation and Character Identity and Purchase Intention" firstly discusses the influence of self-esteem, courage to challenge, and sense of scarcity on the motivation to play mobile games and whether the motivation to play mobile games will increase players' character recognition and purchase intention, and bring more lucrative income to the game industry. The research results show that the courage to challenge will affect the three motivations of players to play mobile games, and these three motivations will positively affect the role identification and purchase intention respectively, and the role identification itself will also positively affect the purchase intention. Since the people who invest and their influence are also not to be underestimated, from the economic point of view, this study hopes that by better understanding the psychology of players, game developers can create more deeply rooted games.
      This study, "The Relationship between Psychological Ownership and Players' Behavioral Intentions", is to add the context of public welfare activities in the game to explore whether public welfare activities will affect players' behavioral intentions. Our other play factors bring changes. The results of study 2 show that adding public welfare activities to the game will increase the immersion of high-deficiency players. Under the manipulation of psychological ownership, the player's sense of scarcity will positively affect the sense of achievement, participation and role identity. From the perspective of public welfare, this study hopes that game developers can also guide players to participate in public welfare activities in the game, so as to bring a better impact to the overall society and create a virtuous circle of society.

    目錄 摘要 i Abstract ii 目錄 iv 圖目錄 vi 表目錄 vi 第壹章 緒論 1 1.1.研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究目的 3 1.3研究流程 3 第貳章 文獻回顧與探討 4 2.1手機遊戲與遊戲內消費 4 2.2個人特質 5 2.2.1自尊(self-esteem) 5 2.2.2勇於挑戰(Brave, Valorous) 6 2.2.3匱乏感(Scarcity) 6 2.3手機遊戲遊玩動機 7 2.3.1成就感 7 2.3.2參與感 8 2.3.3沉浸感 8 2.4角色認同 9 2.5購買意願 10 2.6心理所有權 11 2.7行為意圖 11 第參章 個人特質對手遊遊玩動機以及角色認同與購買意願之影響 13 3.1研究目的與方向 13 3.2研究架構與假設 14 3.2.1研究架構 14 3.2.2研究假設 14 3.3研究方法 19 3.3.1研究流程與樣本收集 19 3.3.2量表編制 20 3.4研究結果 23 3.4.1敘述性統計分析 23 3.4.2信、效度分析 24 3.4.3驗證式因素分析與SEM路徑分析 26 3.4.4配適度分析 28 3.4.5研究一假說結果檢驗 30 3.5討論 33 第肆章 心理所有權與玩家行為意圖之關係 34 4.1研究目的與方向 34 4.2研究架構與假說 35 4.2.1研究架構 35 4.2.2研究假設 35 4.3研究方法 41 4.3.1正式實驗操弄方式與量表編制 41 4.3.2心理所有權的操弄檢測 42 4.3.3前測結果與調整 43 4.3.4研究流程與樣本收集 44 4.4研究結果與討論 45 4.4.1敘述性統計分析 45 4.4.2信、效度分析 47 4.4.3 ANOVA分析 48 4.4.4驗證式因素分析與SEM路徑分析 49 4.4.5配適度分析 52 4.4.6研究二假說結果檢驗 53 4.5討論 61 第伍章結論與建議 62 5.1結論 62 5.2管理意涵與貢獻 63 5.3研究限制與建議 65 參考文獻 66 附錄 73

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