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研究生: 郭彥志
Yen-Chih Kuo
論文名稱: 以科技接受模式探討採用理財機器人的決定因素
Determinants of Adopting Robo-Advisors-An Applications of TAM
指導教授: 林孟彥
Tom M.Y. Lin
口試委員: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
Shu-Ting Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 科技接受模式理財機器人人格特質個人創新性抗拒變革
外文關鍵詞: Technology Acceptance Model, Robo-Advisors, Personality Traits, Personal Innovativeness, Resistance to Change
相關次數: 點閱:828下載:18
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  • 新型態金融服務不斷挑戰傳統金融思維。隨著人工智慧、機器學習、大數據應用的技術發展,使得數位金融科技 (Fintech) 更是一日千里,對金融業以及消費者行為模式都產生重大的變革。
    其中使用理財機器人 (Robo-Advisors) 的消費者人數與投資金額比例近年來更是節節攀升,許多消費者選擇以理財機器人取代傳統的人類理專服務。藉由理財機器人的特性,節省許多寶貴的時間並透過理財機器人獲得更全面性、即時性的投資理財訊息做為決策時的參考。
    然而一個創新的服務模式,消費者的接受度是新服務能否成功推展的必要條件。因此本研究目的在於找出影響消費者採用理財服務機器人的決定因素。為達此研究目的,本研究以問卷調查方式進行,以科技接受模式理論 (TAM,Technology Acceptance Model) 為研究基礎架構,並加入個人創新性、人格特質和抗拒變革的程度為外部變數,試圖了解受訪者對機器人理財的偏好。
    Emerging financial services continue to challenge traditional financial thinking. With the development of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the application of big data technology, Fintech change constants innovation at tremendous speed. It has revolutionized the financial industry and consumer behavior patterns.
    In recent years, the proportion of consumers and money invested through financial robots has steadily increased. Many consumers replace traditional human management services with Robo-Advisors. Time can be saved in investment strategy and decision making with the characteristics of Robo-Advisors, more comprehensive and timely investment and wealth management information can be obtained through Robo-Advisors.
    However, with an innovative service model, consumer acceptance is a necessary condition for successful new services. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the key factors affecting consumers' adoption of financial services robots. For the purpose of this study, this study conducted a questionnaire survey, based on the Technology Acceptance Model theory as the research infrastructure, and added the personal innovativeness, personality traits and resistance to change as external variables in an attempt to understand respondents’ preference for Robo-Advisors.
    The data analysis results show that consumers' behaviors of using financial robots for financial services are quite high. The three external variables for consumer personality traits are all significant. Therefore, it is recommended that the banking industry or financial services institutions should accelerate the introduction of financial robots, thereby improving the level of financial management services.

    Emerging financial services continue to challenge traditional financial thinking. With the development of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the application of big data technology, Fintech change constants innovation at tremendous speed. It has revolutionized the financial industry and consumer behavior patterns.
    In recent years, the proportion of consumers and money invested through financial robots has steadily increased. Many consumers replace traditional human management services with Robo-Advisors. Time can be saved in investment strategy and decision making with the characteristics of Robo-Advisors, more comprehensive and timely investment and wealth management information can be obtained through Robo-Advisors.
    However, with an innovative service model, consumer acceptance is a necessary condition for successful new services. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the key factors affecting consumers' adoption of financial services robots. For the purpose of this study, this study conducted a questionnaire survey, based on the Technology Acceptance Model theory as the research infrastructure, and added the personal innovativeness, personality traits and resistance to change as external variables in an attempt to understand respondents’ preference for Robo-Advisors.
    The data analysis results show that consumers' behaviors of using financial robots for financial services are quite high. The three external variables for consumer personality traits are all significant. Therefore, it is recommended that the banking industry or financial services institutions should accelerate the introduction of financial robots, thereby improving the level of financial management services.

    摘要 II ABSTRACT III 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 VIII 壹、緒論 1 一、研究背景 1 二、研究動機與目的 2 三、研究流程 2 貳、文獻探討 4 一、理財機器人的定義 4 二、理財機器人的發展現況 4 三、理財機器人特性 7 四、科技接受模式 (Technology Acceptance Model, TAM) 8 (一)知覺有用性 (Perceived Usefulness, PU) 9 (二)知覺易用性 (Perceived Ease of Use, PEOU) 9 (三)使用態度 (Attitude Toward Using, AT) 9 (四)行為意向 (Behavioral Intention to Use, BI) 9 (五)實際使用 (Actual System Use) 9 五、外在變數 (External Variable) 9 (一)個人創新性 9 (二)人格特質開放性 10 (三)個人抗拒變革 11 參、研究設計與方法 14 一、研究架構與假說 14 二、問卷內容設計 15 三、抽樣設計方式 16 (一)研究對象 17 (二)施測期間 17 (三)抽樣方法 17 四、 統計分析方法 17 (一)敘述性統計分析 (Descriptive Statistics Analysis) 18 (二)信度分析 (Reliability Analysis) 18 (三)效度分析 (Validity Analysis) 18 (四)結構模型分析 (Structural Model Analysis) 19 肆、研究分析與結果 20 一、樣本特性說明與資料分析結果 20 二、敘述性統計及測量模式分析 22 (一)信度及效度分析 24 (一)區別效度分析 28 三、結構模式分析 29 伍、結論與建議 33 一、結論 33 二、學術貢獻 33 三、管理意涵 34 四、研究限制 35 (一)取樣過程 36 (二)變數構面 36 (三)樣本代表性 36 五、未來研究方向與建議 36 參考文獻 38 中文文獻 38 英文文獻 39 附錄 45 圖目錄 圖 1、研究流程圖 3 圖 2、理財機器人管理資產規模成長 6 圖 3、科技接受模式 (TAM) 架構 8 圖 4、研究架構 14 圖 5、結構模式分析之路徑係數、t值與R2的結果 31

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