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研究生: 李修竹
Xiu-Zhu Li
論文名稱: 嵌入式類比快閃記憶體之低功耗智能感測電路與系統
Low Power Intelligence Sensing Circuits and Systems Using Embedded Analog Flash Memories
指導教授: 彭盛裕
Sheng-Yu Peng
口試委員: 彭盛裕
Sheng-Yu Peng
Hao-Chiao Hong
Kea-Tiong Tang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 144
中文關鍵詞: 瞬時增強電流自適應放大器認知運算記憶內的計算 低功耗電路
外文關鍵詞: transient enhancement, current adaptive amplifier, cognitive computation, computing in memories, low-power circuits
相關次數: 點閱:518下載:0
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  • Abstract in Chinese i Abstract in English ii Acknowledgements iv Contents vi List of Figures x List of Tables xix 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Thesis Organization 3 2 Background Knowledge 5 2.1 Biomedical Signal Characteristics 5 2.2 Floating Gate Transistors 7 2.3 Recurrent Neuron Network 11 3 A Transient­Enhanced Autonomous Current Adaptation Buffer Amplifier 15 3.1 Literature Review 15 3.2 Review of Prior Work 16 3.3 Circuit implementation 21 3.4 Measurement Results 24 3.5 Conclusion and Comparison 27 4 Autonomous Current Adaptation ADC Input Driver 29 4.1 Literature Review 30 4.1.1 ∆Vmax Diminution 31 4.1.2 TS Extension 33 4.1.3 CL Reduction 34 4.2 Circuit Implementation 35 4.3 Measurement Results 39 4.4 Conclusion and Comparison 41 5 SRAM­Based Reconfigurable Cognitive Computation Matrix 45 5.1 Literature Review 46 5.2 Data Representation 49 5.3 Circuit Implementation 54 5.3.1 Architecture 54 5.3.2 Processing Elements and Input Auxiliary Control Block 55 5.3.3 Activation Function Circuits 59 5.4 Measurement Results 60 5.4.1 Multiplication and Operation 61 5.4.2 Activation Function Characterization 63 5.4.3 Process Variation and Calibration 65 5.4.4 Demonstration 68 5.5 Conclusion and Comparison 72 6 Analog Flash­Based Analog Gated Recurrent Unit 76 6.1 Literature Review 77 6.2 Hardware­Friendly Software Model 78 6.3 Circuit implementation 81 6.3.1 Architecture 82 6.3.2 Vector Matrix Multiplication 83 6.3.3 Input Class­AB OTA 87 6.3.4 Single­to­Differential Converter 90 6.3.5 Activation Function Circuit 91 6.3.6 Current­Mode Low­Pass Filter 93 6.3.7 Winner­Take­All Circuit 95 6.4 Software­Hardware Co­Design 97 6.4.1 Input Signal Pre­Process 98 6.4.2 Activation Function Mapping 102 6.4.3 Time Constant Mapping 104 6.4.4 Spike Sorting Simulation 105 6.5 Measurement Results 110 6.5.1 Vector Matrix Multiplication 111 6.5.2 Calibration 113 6.5.3 Single­to­Differential Converter 114 6.5.4 Activation Function Circuit 116 6.5.5 Current­Mode Low­Pass Filter 118 6.5.6 Winner­Take­All Circuit 119 6.6 Conclusion and Comparison 120 7 Conclusion 123 8 Contribution 126 References 128

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