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研究生: 林奕妏
論文名稱: 個案公司組織扁平化所帶來的衝擊
The Impact of Horizontal Organization in the Case Study
指導教授: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
口試委員: 劉念琪
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: 組織變革組織抗拒組織與文化衝突人員配適性
外文關鍵詞: organization transformation, organization resistance, conflict between organization and culture, staff adaptability
相關次數: 點閱:374下載:5
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Hammer & Champy (1994)指出,在今天的市場中,有三股不容忽視的力量稱為三 C:分別是顧客(customers)、競爭(competition)以及改變(change)(楊幼蘭,1994)。這三股力量無論單獨存在,或結合在一起,都足以驅使企業進入一個嶄新的境界。而今日企業所面臨最大的挑戰就是去適應永不停止的改變,為了要適應持續變動的企業環境,必須持續創新並採取嶄新企業策略的公司,莫不紛紛進行組織變革。
A公司是網際網路服務業中知名的企業之一。但在網路社群的快速發展、市場競爭者、內部流程繁複、溝通回應時間缺乏效率等威脅下,導致公司營運績效逐年遞減,也打擊了投資大眾對企業的信心。加上網際網路產業相較於其他產業是快速變動的, 必須更快速的因應市場需求,因此該如何讓A公司能夠逆轉頹勢,是2012年初新上任的CEO一個極為重要的課題。

Hammer & Champy (1994) has pointed out that there are 3 indispensable forces called 3Cs in the market today: customers, competition and change. Either any one of these forces or in combination can drive an enterprise into a new arena. The biggest challenge an enterprise is facing today is to adapt to the never ending changes. In order to adapt to the constantly changing enterprise environment, companies are transforming the organization structure in order to sustain innovation and implement new strategies.
Company A is a famous enterprise in internet service. Due to the threats of the internet community’s rapid development, market competitors, complex internal process flow and inefficient communication feedback time, the company’s operation performance decreased year by year, which also impacted the confidence of the public to invest in the company. Due to the relative rapid changing nature of internet service when compare to other industries, it must be more responsive to market needs. Therefore, how to reverse company A’s adverse situation will be a very important topic for the newly appointed CEO in 2012.
This thesis adopts Harvard’s case study methodology to investigate the various symptoms and problems encountered during the process of horizontal organization by the SMB research and development department of Company A. Whether it is the resistance of the organization, conflict between organization and culture, or adaptability of the staff, they must all be learn and adjusted by the top and middle management, as well as the first line execution units. Company A still has a long way to go in Organization transformation.
This thesis has two parts including a case study and a coaching manual for teachers. Through this thesis, the readers could understand the problems an enterprise may encounter during horizontal organization, and how to break through the situation. In addition, it could be a reference for enterprise facing similar situations in future, and fine tune for the optimum decision based on individual cases.

推薦書I 審定書II 目錄III 圖目錄IV 表目錄V 摘要1 Abstract2 誌謝4 個案公司組織扁平化所帶來的衝擊5 壹、開場白5 貳、網際網路產業發展概況7 參、組織扁平化所產生的管理課題12 肆、明日的挑戰正等在眼前30 伍、問題與討論30 教師教學指引手冊(Teaching Note)31 壹、個案總覽(Case Synopsis)31 貳、教學總覽(Pedagogical Overview)31 參、問題與參考答案34 參考文獻49

•鄭仁偉、郭智輝(民93),「個人與組織契合、工作滿足與組織公民行為關係之研究」,人力資源管理學報,第四卷,第四期,頁85-104 (2004冬季號)。
•楊幼蘭(1994)。「改造企業-再生策略的藍本」,台北:牛頓。「原書Hammer,M.,& Champy, J.[1994]. Reengineering the Corporation-A Manifesto for Business Revolution.」
•Chatman J., “Improving interactional organizational reseach: Amodel of person-organization fit. ,” Academy of Management Review, Vol. 14, 1989, 333-349.
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•好站100 – 台灣網站導航http://www.100.com.tw/
•數位媒體行銷資源庫電子報 - 網路人口概況與網路使用行為http://distance.shu.edu.tw/98dmcix/d01.htm

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