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研究生: 吳慶安
Ching-AN Wu
論文名稱: 物聯網關鍵技術於水資源管理應用之研究
Key Technologies of the Internet of Things in Water Resources Management and Applications
指導教授: 陳俊良
Jiann-Liang Chen
口試委員: 黎碧煌
Bih-Hwang Lee
Yao-Chung Chang
Chia-Hung Yeh
Sheng-Lung Peng
Jiann-Liang Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 45
中文關鍵詞: 水資源管理物聯網
外文關鍵詞: Water Resource Management, Internet of Things
相關次數: 點閱:523下載:0
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本研究建構一物聯網架構包含終端設備感測層、通訊層、邊緣層與應用層,在終端設備感測層中使用了低功耗之室外感測裝置,本研究在感測器感測上提出Dynamic perception adjustment機制,其為根據需求調整感測的頻率,能降低平時傳輸次數達到節能的效益,亦能於災害時提高資料的即時性。通訊層採用Wi-Fi搭配HTTP協議進行資料傳輸。邊緣層則包含計算與預測,透過感測器回傳之資料計算各節點進水量,進行時序標記,透過這些帶有時序標記的資料可預測目標節點水位高度,並依據預測結果進行相應措施,已達水患之防範功用。

Daily life is always inseparable from nature, such as sunshine, air, and water. Water resources are an important factor in the operation of the natural ecosystem, and it's closely related to people's daily life. With the rapid development of technology in recent years, the Internet of Things technology and life is more closely related. Through the construction of various sensing devices, management for water resources. Expect to use water resources more effectively and prevent disasters caused by them. This research is based on the IoT technologies, combined with the expertise of water conservancy experts, combined with urban flooded predictions in the city sewer simulation system, to establish a smart system to accelerate the prevention of flood.
This study constructs an IoT architecture, which includes terminal device sensing layer, communication layer, edge layer, and application layer. In the terminal device sensing layer, outdoor sensing devices with low power consumption are used. In this study, a dynamic perception adjustment mechanism is proposed in the sensor sensing, It adjusts the frequency of sensing according to the needs, which can reduce the usual transmission times to achieve energy-saving benefits, and can improve the immediacy of data during disasters. The communication layer uses Wi-Fi and HTTP protocol for data transmission. The edge layer includes calculation and prediction. The water inflow of each node is calculated through the data returned by the sensor and performed time-series marking. Through these data with time series marking, the water level height of the target node can be predicted. Corresponding measures are taken according to the forecast results to prevent flooding.
In this study, a simulation field is set up according to the actual terrain and parameters of water conservancy facilities, and IoT sensing is deployed to simulate rainfall and drainage. The RMSE of the flooding result is predicted in the urban sewer simulation software to be 0.443. In this study, the system prediction result of combining the proposed formula and IoT sensing return information is 0.367. The experimental results can prove that the method proposed in this study is more accurate than the simulation software, and can provide decision-makers as a reference for disaster prevention.

摘要 I Abstract II Contents IV List of Figures VI List of Tables VI Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Contribution 3 1.3 Organization of This Thesis 4 Chapter 2 Background Knowledge 5 2.1 Correlation Technique 5 2.1.1 Internet of Things 5 2.1.2 Big Data 5 2.1.3 Catchment and Watershed 6 2.1.4 Mean Areal Precipitation 6 2.2 Related Work 7 Chapter 3 System Architecture 9 3.1 Virtual Field Build 11 3.1.1 Catchment Module 11 3.1.2 Manhole Cover 14 3.1.3 Sewer Pipeline 15 3.1.4 Rainfall Simulation 18 3.2 Experimental Field Build 19 3.2.1 End Device Layer 22 3.2.2 Transmission Layer 24 3.2.3 Edge Layer 24 3.2.4 Application Layer 25 3.3 Predict 25 Chapter 4 Experimental Results 28 4.1 Virtual Field 28 4.2 Experimental Field 31 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works 32 5.1 Conclusions 32 5.2 Future Works 33 References 35

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