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研究生: 彭祺恩
Chi-en Peng
論文名稱: 使用PR-SCTP之多路徑排程多媒體串流機制設計
Design of a Multimedia Stream Scheme with Multi-path Scheduling Using PR-SCTP
指導教授: 馮輝文
Huei-Wen Ferng
口試委員: 古鴻炎
Hung- yan Gu
Bih-Hwang Lee
Jia-Chin Lin
Hung-Yun Hsieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 34
中文關鍵詞: 多媒體串流優先權PR-SCTPSACK多路徑排程
外文關鍵詞: Multimedia Streaming, Priority, SACK, Multipath, Scheduling
相關次數: 點閱:305下載:1
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在無線網路中, 資源如何被有效地利用是一項重要的議題,尤其在多媒體傳輸中需要用到較大的頻寬。
本論文中使用PR-SCTP(Partial Reliability - Stream Control Transmission Protocol)協議,利用其可結合多介面(Multihoming)的特性達成多路徑(Multi-path)傳輸,
以及部分可靠性(Partial Reliable)的特點達到多媒體中不同框架(Frame)的優先權(Priority)處理。
我們在本論文中提出一個新的架構用於多媒體串流傳輸(Multimedia Streaming Transmission)。
1. 利用無線網路存取點(Access Point)或是無線網路基地台(Base Station)接收並暫存來自傳輸端的資料,
並且立即回送SACK(Selective Acknowledgement)以減少無線網路因接收端處理SACK所造成的傳輸浪費和資源競爭,
2. 因為有線端和無線端的網路狀況不盡相同,因此透過無線網路存取點或是無線網路基地台回傳的SACK中所附帶的網路狀況資訊,

In a wireless network, wider bandwidth is needed for multimedia transmission, hence it is a critical issue to exploit resource efficiently.
In this paper, we focus on increasing throughput, reducing waste of resource and scheduling mechanism for multimedia transmission.
We use multihoming feature of Stream Control transmission Protocol(SCTP) to achieve Concurrent Multi-path Transfer(CMT)
to distribute data across wireless error-trend feature,
and deal the priority of different level of frames in multimedia with partial reliable feature of PR-SCTP(Partial-Reliability).
In this paper, we propose a novel scheme for multimedia streaming transmission with PR-SCTP.
1. Access Point(AP) or Base Station(BS) receives and buffers data temporarily from server,
and at the same time, it responses SACK packet to server.
Based on the last mile wireless situation and priority of the packet(or data), AP or BS will send, defer or drop the packet(or data).
This can eliminate redundant packet transmission and collisions in wireless network.
2. Due to the difference of status of wired and wireless terminals,
these status information can be appended into SACK, sending back from AP or BS.
Therefore, the server can decide the path of transmission and adjust video quality accordingly.

1. 緒論 2. 相關文獻回顧 2.1 H.264/MPEG-4AVC 影像結構 2.2 多路徑傳送排班演算法 2.3 Rate-Adaptation 傳送速率調適機制 3. PR-SCTP 多媒體串流機制及多路徑排程 3.1 PR-SCTP 多媒體串流機制 3.2 多路徑排程 4. 模擬結果與討論 4.1 模擬環境與參數設定 4.2 值之選取 4.3 SACK 機制 4.4 多路徑排程 4.4.1 相關數據比較 4.4.2 畫面結構判定 5. 總結 附錄 參考文獻

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