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研究生: 王昭詠
Chao-Yung Wang
論文名稱: 具有再生能源之軟體定義衛星網路效能分析
Performance Analysis of the Software Defined Satellite Network with Renewable Energy
指導教授: 鍾順平
Shun-Ping Chung
口試委員: 林永松
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 222
中文關鍵詞: 軟體定義衛星網路可再生能源有限重傳無限重傳阻塞機率成功送達率
外文關鍵詞: SDSN, renewable energy, finite retransmissions, infinite retransmissions, blocking probability, throughput
相關次數: 點閱:503下載:0
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義衛星網路 ( 成為衛星通訊網路未來發展的趨勢。衛星通訊網路的另一個關
的 SDSN 的新模型,並著重於該模型的效能評估。在研究中,我們考量了四個情
境:沒有優先權的單 一節點、沒有優先權且運用無限重傳的三個節點、沒有優先
阻塞機率和系統的成功送達率。第三,我們將 有限重傳的效能指標與無限重傳的
能指標能進行比較。 最後但非最不重要,我們利用 C 語言撰寫相關模型的電腦模擬

The satellite communication becomes more and more important in our daily life with the rapid advance of technology. The satellite communication has the properties of large coverage, large scalability, and large communication capacity. However, the existing satellite communication is hard to upgrade and maintain due to the traditional hardware-based design. The software defined satellite network (SDSN) is expected to be the future trend in satellite communication. Another critical issue in designing satellite communications is energy consumption. This is because it is hard to replace the depleted power source in the space. Therefore, the renewable energy has been applied to satellites to extend the lifetime of satellite batteries. In this research, the new models based on SDSN with renewable energy are proposed, and we focus on the performance evaluation of the proposed SDSN models. In this work, we study four scenarios: one node without priority, three nodes without priority and with infinite retransmissions, three nodes without priority and with finite retransmissions, and one node without priority. First, we derived the analytical models for the scenarios considered. An iterative algorithm is adopted to find the steady state probability distribution and the performance measures of interest. Second, the impact of various system parameters on the performance measures is studied. The system parameters include mean new packet arrival rate, mean high-priority packet arrival rate, mean low-priority packet arrival rate, mean service rate, packet queue capacity, energy queue capacity, routing probability. The performance measures of interest are average number in system, average number in queue, average waiting time in system, average waiting time in queue, blocking probability, throughput. Third, the performance with finite retransmissions is compared with that with infinite retransmissions. Fourth, the performance of high-priority packets is compared with that of low-priority packets. Last but not least, the computer simulation is written to verify the accuracy of the analytical results.

Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. System model 3 2.1 One node without priority 4 2.2 Three nodes without priority and with infinite retransmissions 4 2.3 Three nodes without priority and with finite retransmissions 4 2.4 One with priority 4 3. Analytical model 5 3.1 One node without priority 5 3.1.1 Model diagram 5 3.1.2 State balance equations 6 3.1.3 Iterative algorithm 8 3.1.4 Performance measures 9 3.2 Three nodes without priority and with infinite retransmissions 14 3.2.1 Model diagram 14 3.2.2 State balance equations 14 3.2.3 Iterative algorithm 18 3.2.4 Performance measures 19 3.3 Three nodes without priority and with finite retransmissions 25 3.3.1 Model diagram 25 3.3.2 State balance equations 26 3.3.3 Iterative algorithm 31 3.3.4 Performance measures 31 3.4 One node with priority 38 3.4.1 Model diagram 38 3.4.2 State balance equations 39 3.4.3 Iterative algorithm 57 3.4.4 Performance measures 58 4. Simulation model 85 4.1 One node with priority 85 4.1.1 Main program 85 4.1.2 Packet arrival subprogram 85 4.1.3 Energy arrival subprogram 86 4.1.4 Departure subprogram 86 4.1.5 Performance measures 87 4.2 Three nodes without priority and with infinite retransmissions 93 4.2.1 Main program 93 4.2.2 Node-1 new packet arrival subprogram 93 4.2.3 Node-n routed packet arrival subprogram 94 4.2.4 Node-n energy arrival subprogram 95 4.2.5 Departure subprogram 95 4.2.6 Performance measures 96 4.3 Three nodes without priority and with finite retransmissions 105 4.3.1 Main program 105 4.3.2 Node-1 new packet arrival subprogram 105 4.3.3 Node-n routed packet arrival subprogram 106 4.3.4 Node-n energy arrival subprogram 107 4.3.5 Node-1 departure subprogram 108 4.3.6 Node-2 departure subprogram 108 4.3.7 Node-3 departure subprogram 109 4.3.8 Performance measures 110 4.4 One node with priority 121 4.4.1 Main program 121 4.4.2 HP packet arrival subprogram 121 4.4.3 LP packet arrival subprogram 122 4.4.4 Energy arrival subprogram 123 4.4.5 Departure subprogram 123 4.3.6 Performance measures 124 5. Numerical results 133 5.1 One node without priority 133 5.1.1 Packet arrival rate 133 5.1.2 Energy arrival rate 140 5.2 Three nodes without priority and with infinite retransmissions 146 5.2.1 New packet arrival rate 146 5.2.2 Energy arrival rate 153 5.2.3 Routing probability 158 5.3 Three nodes without priority and with finite retransmissions 164 5.3.1 New packet arrival rate 164 5.3.2 Energy arrival rate 171 5.3.3 Routing probability 177 5.4 One node with priority 183 5.4.1 Packet arrival rate 184 5.4.2 Energy arrival rate 190 6. Conclusions 197 References 199

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