Author: |
吳珮瑜 Pei-yu Wu |
Thesis Title: |
Facebook品牌粉絲專頁使用者不持續使用因素之研究 The research of users’ discontinuance using Facebook brand page factors |
Advisor: |
Pin Luarn |
Committee: |
Cheng-Kang Chen 葉瑞徽 Ruey Huei Yeh |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 企業管理系 Department of Business Administration |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2015 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 103 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 61 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 粉絲專頁 、知覺有用性 、知覺樂趣性 、社會影響 、Facebook粉絲專頁的使用規定 、滿意度 、不持續使用意圖 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Page, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Enjoyment, Social Influence, Pages Rules, Satisfaction, Discontinuance |
Reference times: | Clicks: 1043 Downloads: 25 |
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在2013年Facebook使用人數已突破12.3億人,且人數仍然持續成長,因此許多企業希望在Facebook上成立品牌粉絲專頁,盼能增加與消費者的互動,或是傳遞產品相關訊息。而以台灣品牌粉絲專頁的粉絲人數來看,前三名分別是Pringles 品客洋芋片(超過2,688萬個粉絲)、Dove (超過2,122萬個粉絲)與Window(超過1,632萬個粉絲)。但這些粉絲專頁的討論比(討論比=談論這個的用戶 / 粉絲數)都不超過3%,也就是說,有許多粉絲專頁的粉絲人數很多,但實際有在粉絲專頁上按讚、留言、回復或分享的粉絲卻很少。因此本研究希望能探討粉絲不持續使用的因素,瞭解粉絲專頁流失粉絲的原因。
本研究運用資訊系統接受後持續使用模型(A-Post Acceptance Model of IS Continuance)為基礎,修改發展而來,探究影響粉絲不持續使用Facebook品牌粉絲專頁的重要因素,其因素有知覺有用性、知覺樂趣性、社會影響、Facebook粉絲專頁的使用規定與滿意度。以參加過Facebook粉絲專頁的使用者為分析對象,共回收242份問卷,以結構方程模式分析並驗證研究假設。
The number of Facebook users exceeded 1.23 billion in 2013 and the number of users continue rise. Therefore, enterprises have set up exclusive brand page. They would like to increase interaction with consumers or deliver the product-related promotional messages. To the number of fans of brand page in Taiwan, the top three are Pringles (more than 26 million fans), Dove (more than 21 million fans) and Window(more than 16 million fans). But those value of pages’ engagement are less than 3%. (value of engagement = people who are engaged in the page/ the number of fans in the page) In other words, there are a lot of fans in the pages, but few fans click like, leave messages, comment or share the information about the page. So this research is to explore the reason for why the fans discontinued using pages.
This research uses A-Post Acceptance Model of IS Continuance to explore factors that affect page members in discontinuing using the pages. Such factors include perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, social influence, pages rules and satisfaction. Our population of this research is the users who have ever the experience of using pages. A total of 242 valid questionnaires are collected and analyzed the data
and test the hypothesis by structural equation modeling.
Research results found that the fans discontinued using pages will be influenced by perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, Social Influence, pages rules and satisfaction. And satisfaction will be influenced by perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment. So this research shows when the fans feel usefulness or unhappy, they will feel dissatisfied and not continue to use pages. And the fans won’t want to use pages if they know something bad about the brand by their friends or other fans. The pages rules also rise users’ discontinuous intention.
Finally, according to this research give the page operators some suggestions to help them let their fans come back and be more loyal.
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