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研究生: 劉理文
Li-wen Liu
論文名稱: 教科書數位化對大學教科書產業價值鏈之影響
The Influence of Textbook Digitalization on the Value Chain of College Textbook Publishing Industry
指導教授: 余尚武
Shang-wu Yu
口試委員: 洪政煌
Cheng-huang Hung
Ruei-shan Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 84
中文關鍵詞: 大學教科書大學校園書局數位版權管理價值鏈
外文關鍵詞: College Textbook, Campus Bookstore, Digital Rights Management, Value Chain
相關次數: 點閱:534下載:2
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As computer network of the advances tremendously in science and technology has changed the appearance of books and publication gradually, the development of digital publishing trend is irreversible. Digital publishing has entered the mainstream market in the newspaper magazine and the general books by distribution, sales and market through network. Relative, in the college textbook in digital publishing is still in the exploration and developing stage and the sets of effective business model have not yet found; The research studies and understands the industrial factors which influence digitizing of college textbook based on particular textbook industrial structure and industrial value chain theory. As well as understand prospect of college textbooks in form of digitizing from depth interviews of global textbook industry experts.
The findings of research present the current stage of digital college textbook is still in its infancy. And experts consider the key factors of promoting digital college textbooks included price, user acceptance, business module of supply chain, teaching of way and campus bookstores. Based on value matrix activity of college textbook, we mapped out supply chain management, business processes, content management, sales distributions, digital rights management and common technology platform for a number of key activities of digital college textbook. And from standpoints of overall industry environment, service management, technology development and market activities, to explore the direction of digital textbook provided reference of strategic thinking for domestic related industrial.

摘要 II Abstract III 第1章 緒論 - 1 - 1.1 研究背景與動機 - 1 - 1.2 研究目的 - 2 - 1.3 研究流程 - 3 - 第2章 文獻探討 - 5 - 2.1 數位內容之探討 - 5 - 2.2 數位版權管理之探討 - 7 - 2.2.1 版權管理之基本要素 - 8 - 2.2.2 版權屬性 - 10 - 2.2.3 出版模式在版權管理上的意涵: - 12 - 2.2.4 著作財產權之權利內容 - 15 - 2.3 以數位出版為基礎之電子商務環境 - 18 - 2.4 數位出版通路供應鏈之研究 - 21 - 2.5 教科書價值鏈分析 - 24 - 第3章 產業環境分析 - 31 - 3.1 大學教科書之市場發展現況 - 31 - 3.2 大學教科書之數位出版之發展現況 - 33 - 3.2.1 教科書出版社 - 34 - 3.2.2 大學校園書局(Campus bookstore) - 36 - 3.2.3 跨國價差 - 37 - 3.2.4 二手書教科書之市場研究 - 39 - 3.3 研究分析 - 40 - 第4章 研究方法 - 44 - 4.1 研究架構 - 44 - 4.2 研究對象 - 45 - 4.3 研究問題 - 46 - 4.3.1 深度訪談法 - 48 - 4.3.2 訪談對象 - 48 - 4.3.3 訪談資料的處理與分析 - 50 - 4.4 研究範圍 - 50 - 第5章 訪談描述 - 52 - 5.1 訪談大綱資料綜合分析 - 52 - 5.2 訪談資料內容分析 - 62 - 第6章 結論與建議 - 68 - 6.1 結論 - 68 - 6.2 研究限制 - 70 - 6.3 未來研究建議與方向 - 70 - 參考文獻 - 72 - 中文文獻 - 72 - 學位論文 - 72 - 中文部分 - 72 - 英文文獻 - 73 - 網站: - 74 - 附錄:美國出版業者對對大學教科書數位出版意見之訪談表 - 75 -


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International Digital Publishing Forum(IDPF): <Industry Statistics>(2008/12)