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研究生: 蔡承誌
Cheng-Jhih Tsai
論文名稱: 基於RFID技術的機器人定位及導航應用
RFID-Based System for Robot Localization and Navigation
指導教授: 項天瑞
Tien-ruey Hsiang
口試委員: 邱展逢
Jane-ferng Chiu
Ge-ming Chiu
Chung-hsien Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: 無線射頻識別機器人路徑規劃導航定位拓樸
外文關鍵詞: RFID, robot, path planning, navigation, topology, localization
相關次數: 點閱:379下載:3
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近年來,RFID(Radio Frequency IDentification)系統因價格便宜、安全性高及壽命長的優點,被廣泛地應用於門禁管理與物流監控方面,更為數位家庭中必備的電子器材。因此,本論文結合RFID系統應用於移動式機器人的自我定位裝置,透過RFID標籤佈置於建築物內的走道、辦公室等等,且將RFID讀取器架設於移動式機器人上,讀取器便可直接與環境中之標籤即時溝通,之後讀取器再將接收到的信號資訊,傳遞給後端的應用系統。利用RFID不受直視傳播以及通訊範圍廣泛的優點,加上運用通訊能量與距離平方成反比的方法作為定位基礎,節省了事先的RFID信號能量與距離關係推導,定位時也不需要耗費大量的運算時間做信號比對,爾後便以此來作為機器人的路徑規劃與導航。在規劃與導航的任務當中,接受使用者的需求之後,機器人便移動至指定區域,以滿足使用者的相關需求。

In recent years, RFID(Radio Frequency IDentification)technology has became mainstream applications that help speed the handling of gaining entrance to buildings and preventing theft of merchandise, RFID are also indispensable in the digital family , the reasons make RFID system so popular are due to the electronic devices cheap and reliable to auto-sensing. In this paper, we combine the RFID system and robot to its self-localization, deploy the RFID tags on the passage or office in the buildings, and fix RFID reader on the robot to communicate with tags which in the environment immediately. Reader deliver the tag's signal to tail part application system after its received. With the RFID advantage just like no line of sight requirement and long read range, and use the relation between power and distance(inverse square law) to be the localization matrix. By this method we don't need to deduce the formula between power and distance also save much time in contrast when robot locates its position. We use this idea in the robot path plan and navigation. Once users assign the tasks to the robot, it has to move to the appointed region and achieve the requests.

1 緒論 .................................................................. 12 1.1 無線射頻識別簡介 .................................................. 12 1.2 無線射頻識別分類與運作流程 ........................................ 13 1.3 移動式機器人 ...................................................... 14 1.4 研究動機與目的 .................................................... 15 1.5 論文架構 .......................................................... 16 2 文獻探討 .............................................................. 17 2.1 定位技術簡介 ...................................................... 17 2.2 RF定位技術 ........................................................ 18 2.2.1 RF定位方法 .................................................. 18 2.2.2 RFID定位模式 ................................................ 22 2.3 LANDMARC定位 ...................................................... 24 3 機器人路徑規劃及導航 .................................................. 26 3.1 訊號溝通流程 ...................................................... 26 3.2 環境拓樸地圖的建立 ................................................ 27 3.3 機器人定位及規劃路徑 .............................................. 33 3.4 機器人導航及路徑修正 .............................................. 35 4 系統模擬與實驗評估 .................................................... 39 4.1 實作環境平台 ...................................................... 39 4.2 空曠環境下的區域通過數量 .......................................... 39 4.3 實際情境 .......................................................... 43 4.4 結果分析 .......................................................... 46 5 結論 .................................................................. 52

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