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研究生: 柯唯翔
Wei-Hsiang Ko
論文名稱: 諧波濾波器對電壓源型變流器諧波電流影響之研究
Evaluating the Harmonic Filters on the Harmonic Current Distortion of Voltage Source Inverter-Fed Drives
指導教授: 辜志承
Jyh-Cherng Gu
口試委員: 陳在相
Tsai-Hsiang Chen
Nan-Ming Chen
Chi-Jui Wu
Jin-Shyr Yang
Yu-Chi Wu
Pei-Hwa Huang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 150
中文關鍵詞: 主動式濾波器被動式濾波器電壓源型變流器諧波分析總諧波電流失真率
外文關鍵詞: Active harmonic filter, Harmonic analysis, Passive harmonic filter, Total harmonic distortion, Voltage source inverter-fed drive
相關次數: 點閱:419下載:20
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The main purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the impact of harmonic filter applications on the harmonic current distortion of Voltage Source Inverter-fed drives (VSI) and improving strategies. In general, the nonlinear loads are assumed as a constant harmonic current source in harmonic analysis of power systems. However, when an active or passive harmonic filter is invited to mitigate the harmonics produced by the VSI load, the total harmonic current distortion of the load actually changes. The increasing of the VSI total harmonic current distortion will lead to the unexpected harmonic improving result at system side, and cause insufficient harmonic carrying capability, such as the rated voltage and rated current of the passive harmonic filter.
In order to analyze the causes and main influencing factors of this harmonic changing phenomenon, a VSI equivalent circuit is established in this study, and its ac side harmonic current transformation equation is also derived in this investigation. The whole and selective harmonic compensation control models of the active harmonic filter are deduced, as well as the equivalent harmonic model of passive harmonic filters. In this reaseach, correlation analysis system models are constructed and simulated to illustrate the impact of different system short-circiut levels, VSI loadings, ac choke reactors of the VSI, and different filter compensation modes on the harmonic current distortion of the VSI. Then, the simulation and measurement results are used to summarize the causes of this phenomenon and the main influencing factors. Furthermore, this research proposed a design method for active and passive harmonic filters, which optimizes the system harmonic improvement results, and effectively solves the application problems of the active and the passive harmonic filters. Finally, from the simulation and field measurement results, the dissertation is of value to solve the harmonic improving problems on the active and passive harmonic filter applications.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 XIII 符號索引 XVI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 文獻回顧 3 1.3 研究方法與步驟 5 1.4 研究貢獻 7 1.5 論文架構 8 第二章 電力諧波概論 10 2.1 前言 10 2.2 電力諧波相關定義 10 2.2.1 諧波失真率 10 2.2.2 諧波相序 11 2.2.3 K係數與諧波損耗係數 12 2.3 電力諧波相關國際規範 13 2.3.1 美國IEEE標準 13 2.3.2 歐洲IEC標準 14 2.3.3 日本標準 15 2.3.4 台灣台電暫行管制標準 17 2.3.5 中國GB國家標準 17 2.4 電力諧波之影響 19 2.4.1 電力設備 19 2.4.2 供電系統 22 2.5 本章小結 26 第三章 電壓源型變流器與濾波器諧波等效模型之建立 27 3.1 前言 27 3.2 系統電源 27 3.3 電壓源型變流器 28 3.3.1 全導通週期 30 3.3.2 換相週期 31 3.3.3 諧波等效模型 33 3.4 主動式濾波器 35 3.4.1 架構與補償原理 35 3.4.2 諧波等效模型 37 3.5 被動式濾波器 41 3.5.1 架構與補償原理 41 3.5.2 諧波等效模型 44 3.6 本章小結 46 第四章 應用粒子群演算法於濾波器裝置容量之設計 47 4.1 前言 47 4.2 粒子群最佳化演算法 47 4.3 諧波濾波器額定容量之設計 51 4.3.1 主動式濾波器 51 4.3.2 被動式濾波器 54 4.4 本章小結 59 第五章 濾波器對電壓源型變流器諧波失真率之影響 60 5.1 前言 60 5.2 模擬方法與步驟 60 5.3 範例系統架構與參數設定 63 5.4 應用主動式濾波器之諧波模擬分析 65 5.4.1 全階補償模式 66 5.4.2 選階補償模式 67 5.4.3 模擬結果之討論 69 5.4.4 模擬與實測結果之比較 70 5.5 應用被動式濾波器之諧波模擬分析 76 5.5.1 單階補償架構 76 5.5.2 雙階補償架構 78 5.5.3 模擬結果之討論 80 5.5.4 模擬與實測結果之比較 81 5.6 本章小結 87 第六章 濾波器正確容量與諧波改善效果之評估 89 6.1 前言 89 6.2 模擬方法與步驟 89 6.3 範例系統架構與參數設定 90 6.4 應用主動式濾波器之諧波改善分析 92 6.4.1 全階補償模式 92 6.4.2 選階補償模式 94 6.4.3 模擬與實測結果之比較 96 6.5 應用被動式濾波器之諧波改善分析 100 6.5.1 單階補償架構 101 6.5.2 雙階補償架構 103 6.5.3 模擬與實測結果之比較 106 6.6 本章小結 109 第七章 結論與未來研究方向 111 7.1 結論 111 7.2 未來研究方向 113 參考文獻 114 附錄A 121

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