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研究生: 曾毓雯
Yu-Wen Tseng
論文名稱: 自願公開對網路社交幸福感的影響暨知覺有用性與主觀在線成功的中介效果:以移動交友軟體為例
The Impacts of Self-Disclosure on Online Social Well-Being with Mediation of Perceived Usefulness and Subjective Online Success: The Case of Mobile Dating Apps
指導教授: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
口試委員: 陳家祥
Jia-Shiang Chen
Tchen Tchiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 78
中文關鍵詞: 自願公開網路社交幸福感知覺有用性主觀在線成功
外文關鍵詞: Self-Disclosure, Online Social Well-Being, Perceived Usefulness, Subjective Online Success
相關次數: 點閱:363下載:8
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Due to the matching system in mobile dating apps, the content and degrees of users’ self-disclosure will directly affect the well-being of their online social life, compared with communicating with unspecified people in other common social media, such as Facebook and Instagram. Besides, this study infers from previous papers that the well-being of users will be affected by their behavior of self-disclosure via two different ways which are mediation effects. Firstly, the users' perception of usefulness can be improved through the products and services provided by mobile dating apps, making users have positive expected benefits for their products. Secondly, the users' perception of successful performance can be affected through the process of operating mobile dating apps, making them feel cared and recognized. The mediation effect in this study is supported by a total of 676 valid questionnaires, which is collected through the online convenience sampling, and the analytic results of structural equation modeling (SEM).

1.緒論 1.1.研究背景 1.2.研究動機 1.3.研究目的與問題 1.4.研究流程 2.文獻探討 2.1.移動交友軟體 (Mobile Dating Apps) 2.2.社會滲透理論 (Social Penetration Theory, SPT) 2.3.自願公開 (Self-Disclosure) 2.4.網路社交幸福感 (Online Social Well-Being) 2.5.持續意願 (Continuance Intention) 2.6.知覺有用性 (Perceived Usefulness) 2.7.主觀在線成功 (Subjective Online Success) 3.研究設計與方法 3.1.研究架構 3.2.研究假說 3.3.研究設計 3.4.問卷內容 3.4.1.第一階段:預測試問卷(一) 3.4.2.第二階段:預測試問卷(二) 3.4.3.第三階段:正式問卷 3.5.研究範圍 3.6.研究分析方法 3.6.1.SmartPLS統計分析軟體 3.6.2.描述性統計 3.6.3.信度分析 3.6.4.效度分析 3.6.5.二階結構模式 3.6.6.結構方程模式 3.6.7.中介效果的檢驗 4.研究結果 4.1.描述性統計 4.2.信度分析 4.3.效度分析 4.4.二階結構模式分析 4.5.結構方程模式分析 4.5.1.模型適配指標 4.5.2.假說檢定 4.6.中介效果檢定 4.6.1.中介效果分析(一) 4.6.2.中介效果分析(二) 5.結論與建議 5.1.研究結論 5.2.學術貢獻 5.3.管理意涵 5.4.研究限制與未來建議 6.參考文獻 附錄一:正式問卷 附錄二:移動交友軟體資訊補充

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