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研究生: 盧永裕
Yung-Yu Lu
論文名稱: 工業設計在筆記型電腦代工廠報價時的定位與價值
Position and Value of Industrial design while responding Request for Quotation for Notebook ODM business
指導教授: 鄭金典
Jindean Cheng
口試委員: 柯志祥
Chih-Hsiang Ko
Jeng-Neng Fan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 委託報價筆記型電腦設計服務代工廠
外文關鍵詞: RFQ, Notebook, Design service, ODM
相關次數: 點閱:380下載:6
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在競爭激烈的筆記型電腦代工中,工業設計是在這幾年開始被納入委託報價時所要準備的其中一個重要項目,這與以往筆記型電腦代工的報價模式有著明顯的不同。工業設計開始被筆記型代工廠重視,但其定位與價值為何?與如何在報價流程中發揮作用?本研究以世界前三大的筆記型代工廠作為研究對象,透過深入訪談輔以實際案例來探討其中的結構,探討在激烈的筆記型電腦代工競爭下,為何需要加入工業設計所提供設計服務於報價行為中。主要的的研究目的為:(1)探討工業設計在筆電代工廠的報價行為中,組織希望他所扮演的真正角色為何。(2)探討整個筆電代工中新的委託報價結構與工業設計的關聯。(3)工業設計是否可透過委託報價的過程來爭取訂單。並探討分析其工作項目與內容。(4)藉由探討案例與專家訪談來提供一些關於工業設計在其中所需要的技能,希望可以作為學界參考。在經過探討實際案例與受訪者的論述,本研究所得到的結論如下:(1)工業設計在委託報價流程中可以讓筆記型電腦代工廠具有化被動為主動,主動提供設計概念與技術來將成本做更精確的掌控。(2)代工廠端的工業設計部門,由於設計服務的拓展與延伸,可能開始具有取代品牌商端工業設計部門的功能。在產品設計完全由代工廠端掌握的前提下,解釋設計與驗證設計的工作自然轉由代工廠來負責。(3)工業設計師在代工廠的委託報價中,必須具有相關技術的知識與良好橫向溝通的能力。(4) 在JDM合作模式下,比較適合由較具經驗的工業設計人員擔任,ODM模式可以指派具經驗或資深工業設計人員擔任,而OEM的模式較適合經驗較少的工業設計人員來學習。(5)由於台灣的筆記型電腦代工是全世界出貨量最大的,各大代工廠為了要爭取訂單,都開始在委託報價時導入工業設計,這為工業設計師開啟了一個新的舞台。而這新的舞台對於工業設計師的技能需求也有別於以往,希望透過本論文的探討可以讓設計人員在訓練與培育時,考慮加入這新舞台的所需要的技術與能力,也提供給學界一個新的方向。

In the highly competitive arena of notebook computer ODM manufacture, industrial design has, in recent years, become an increasingly important factor in responding to requests for price quotations; this is markedly different from the standard quotation model of the past. In light of the heavier weighting as a consideration accorded to industrial design by notebook computer ODM manufacturers, what is its position and value? How can these be reflected in the price quotation process? The research undertaken takes three of the world’s leading notebook computer ODM manufacturers as subjects, and the necessity of taking industrial design into account when quoting prices in this extremely competitive environment will be investigated by means of comprehensive interviews supported by case study.The main studies this research aims to conduct are as follows:
1. To investigate the role the notebook computer ODM manufacturer wishes to be occupied by industrial design in price quotation.
2. To investigate the relationship between industrial design and the structure of price quotation requests.
3. To determine whether industrial design assists the increase of sales orders through requested price quotation, and to analyze the relevant work content.
To establish the functions which need to be fulfilled by industrial design through case study and consultation with leading experts: it is hoped that this information can serve as future academic reference.
The conclusions reached by the present research through case study and the results of expert consultation are as follows:
1. Industrial design, through the process of quotation requests, has enabled the notebook ODM industry to become pro-active rather than reactive; taking the initiative to utilize design concepts and technical know-how to control costs with greater precision.
2. As design services provided by ODM manufacturers are broadened and extended, there is a possibility that ODM in-house industrial design department will gradually replace those of the brands themselves. Assuming that product design will be entirely handled by the ODM manufacturer, explaining and testing the design will naturally be their responsibility.
3. The ODM designer handling the quotation request must be in possession of sufficient technical expertise and considerable communication skills.
4. Highly experienced industrial designers are more suited for JDM-style businesses (experience and depth of technical knowledge are also requisites for ODM businesses), whereas OEM businesses are adequately served by designers with little experience or those wishing to further their education.
5. Taiwanese notebook computer ODM manufacturers are the most prolific from a global perspective. In order to increase order quantities, each manufacturer has begun to incorporate industrial design factors into their responses to price quotation requests, creating a new platform for industrial designers. This new platform exacts unprecedented demands from designers in terms of technical skill; it is hoped that this paper will help designers in the course of their training and development more fully assess the skills and abilities now demanded of them upon entry into the field. It is also hoped that the academic field may find some fresh insight provided by this study.

摘要 誌謝 表索引 圖索引 第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景 1.2 研究動機 1.3 研究目的 1.4 研究範圍與限制 1.5 研究架構 第二章 資料蒐集與文獻探討 2.1 筆記型電腦代工廠接單的流程 2.2 委託報價的定義 2.2.1 何謂RFI(request for information) 2.2.2 何謂RFQ(Request for Quotation) 2.2.3 在報價過程中,公司內部的設計行為 2.3 設計服務 2.3.1 服務之定義 2.3.2 工業設計服務定義 2.4 設計管理 第三章 研究方法 3.1 研究方法 3.2 個案選擇 3.3 案例公司簡介 3.3.1主要市場分析 3.3.2開發時間 3.3.3廣達與客戶之間的工作模式 3.3.4廣達電腦工業設計流程與整體開發之對照 3.3.5廣達電腦組織 3.4訪談問卷: 第四章 專家訪談與案例探討 4.1 受訪專家與案例簡介 4.2 專家訪談 4.2.1 受訪者:林先生 4.2.2受訪者:陳先生 4.2.3受訪者:朱先生 4.2.4受訪者:徐小姐 4.3 個案探討 4.3.1 I公司教育電腦案例(廣達,2009)-此為JDM的案例 4.3.2:L公司案例(廣達,2008)-此為ODM案例 4.3.3:L公司案例(廣達,2009)-此為OEM案例 4.4: 綜合探討 第五章 結論與建議 5.1 研究結論 5.2 後續研究與建議 參考文獻

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