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研究生: 王聰輝
Tsung-Huei Wang
論文名稱: 創新文化對半導體良率績效的影響-台灣半導體產業分析
The Effect of Innovative Organization Culture on Yield Ramping-The Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing in Taiwan
指導教授: 林維熊
Wei-Shong Lin
口試委員: 葉明義
Ming-Yih Yeh
Pei-Ying Ho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 48
中文關鍵詞: 創新文化半導體良率良率提昇速度
外文關鍵詞: Yield Ramp, Yield, Innovative Culture
相關次數: 點閱:267下載:2
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  • 創新文化是一門重要的研究課題,許多學者的探討,均顯現出創新文化能使得組織具有更好的競爭力。台灣半導體產業的快速發展,不僅提昇了台灣在全球的科技地位,並提供資訊電子產業蓬勃發展的基礎。然而隨著製程技術的不斷發展,產品生命週期的縮短,廠商利潤空間的壓縮。面對如此嚴峻的挑戰,台灣半導體廠商必須努力的尋求降低生產成本,縮短交貨期,加速縮短良率提昇的速度,以期快速因應市場的變遷。
    於是本研究以創新文化的要素,來探討良率提昇績效。透過理論探討與實務經驗作出推論分析,創新文化的要素與良率提昇速度的互動與關係;並以之作為台灣半導體企業未來創新文化發展的參考 。

    Organizational culture is becoming one of the major fields in organization theory in 1980s. There are also abundant researches in organizational culture discussing what kind of innovative culture is beneficial to make organization more innovative. The contribution of innovational organization to business performance is widely discussed. The firms such as Semiconductor industry is in a highly competitive world of fast changing technology. The rapid evolution of production process results in short product life cycle and the complexity of technology make it very challenge to achieve high yield.
    The ability of organization to achieve mature yields in a highly competitive world enables the semiconductor manufacturing to improve control over their manufacturing processes, as well as increase their yields and device value — thus maximizing their ROI and lowering their manufacturing costs. To know what is the organizational culture could make organization more innovative and what kind of innovative culture is good for the semiconductor company to accelerate yield ramp is very important.
    This thesis is the first study about how innovative culture and performance management affect semiconductor manufacturers’ yield ramp. This research reveals that the innovative culture and outcome performance management are very important in yield ramp. The innovative culture and outcome performance management will help semiconductor manufacturing company to achieve their yield ramp potentially great than 2X faster.

    ABSTRACT --------------------------------------------------------I ABSTRACT IN CHINESE --------------------------------------------II ACKNOWLEDGEMENT -----------------------------------------------III LIST OF FIGURES -------------------------------------------------V LIST OF TABLES -----------------------------------------------VI CHAPTER 1 Introduction-------------------------------------------1 1.1.Motivation---------------------------------------------------1 1.2.Research Purpose---------------------------------------------1 1.3.Research Process---------------------------------------------2 CHAPTER 2 Literature Review -------------------------------------3 2.1.General Dimensions of Organizational Culture-----------------4 2.2.Organization Culture and Innovation--------------------------7 2.3.Innovation and innovation Process----------------------------8 2.4.Markus‘s innovative culture Model---------------------------9 2.5.The semiconductor overview----------------------------------11 2.6.The challenges for the Semiconductor Manufacturing----------13 2.7.Yield Ramping in Semiconductor Manufacturing ---------------16 2.8.The role of rapid yield ramp in semiconductor --------------18 CHAPTER 3 Research Framework------------------------------------19 3.1.Innovative culture in an organization-----------------------22 3.2.Evaluating method for manager ------------------------------23 3.3.Investigation target ---------------------------------------25 3.4.Hypotheses--------------------------------------------------25 3.5.Measurement-------------------------------------------------26 CHAPTER 4 Analysis-- -------------------------------------------30 4.1.Reliability and validity------------------------------------30 4.2.Regression model--------------------------------------------32 4.3.Test hypothesis and analysis--------------------------------35 CHAPTER 5 Conclusion--------------------------------------------38 Reference ------------------------------------------------------41 Appendix 1: Questionnaire --------------------------------------44 List of Figures Figure 1-1 Research Process--------------------------------------2 Figure 2-1 Organization Culture within the Innovation Process----9 Figure 2-2 How a Semiconductor Chip is Made---------------------12 Figure 2-3 Moore’s Law-----------------------------------------14 Figure 2-4 Production ramp rate and density trends--------------14 Figure 2-5 Yield vs. Time Curves--------------------------------17 Figure.2-6 Detail of the idealized yield ramp curve-------------18 Figure 3-1 How the Innovative Culture Can Benefit a Company-----20 Figure 3-2 What Innovative Cultures are-------------------------21 Figure 3-3 Yield improvement flow-------------------------------24 Figure 3-4 Production ramp rate and defect density--------------24 List of Tables Table 2-1 James R. Derter,2000; General dimensions of organization culture-----------------------------------5 Table 2-2 Types of Organizational Culture-----------------------10 Table 2-3 Emerging Manufacturing Needs -------------------------15 Table 3-1 Tolerate and Accept Failure---------------------------26 Table 3-2 Prevailing Spirit of Cooperation and Share------------27 Table 3-3 Stress Individual Equity------------------------------27 Table 3-4 Faith of Never Ending for Seeking Truth---------------28 Table 3-5 Accept Variety----------------------------------------28 Table 3-6 Sportsman Spirit--------------------------------------29 Table 3-7 Performance management--------------------------------29 Table 4-1 Reliability Analysis----------------------------------30 Table 4-2 Model Summary-----------------------------------------33 Table 4-3 Coefficients------------------------------------------33 Table 4-4 Descriptive Statistics in Company and Industry--------34 Table 4-5 Descriptive Statistics in Variables-------------------34

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