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研究生: 王慕聆
論文名稱: 競合的商業模式策略— 以台灣青啤股份有限公司為例
Coopetition in Business Model Strategy: A Case of Taiwan Tsing Beer
指導教授: 林孟彥
Meng-Yen Lin
Seng-Su Tsang
口試委員: 呂志豪
Zhi-hao Lu
Meng-Yen Lin
Seng-Su Tsang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 44
中文關鍵詞: 三洋維士比青島啤酒台灣青啤啤酒
外文關鍵詞: Sanyo Visby, Tsingtao Beer, Taiwan Tsing, Beer
相關次數: 點閱:565下載:55
查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報


In May 2003, Ye, Feng-Rong, the second-generation successor of Sanyo Visby Group, was also the chairman of Taiwan Tsing Beer Co., Ltd., which built Taiwan Tsingtao Beer on the market and seized 10% of the Taiwan beer market within half a year. On this day, he got off work later than usual. As the elevator descended, his whole person fell to a low point like the elevator. Because just after the first half-year celebration banquet, Chairman Ye, Feng-Rong received the affair, the opponent reported to the Information Bureau by the cross-strait relations regulations, and the Information Bureau will officially ban it from creating a good-selling Taiwan Tsingtao Beer in Taiwan. Any form of advertising. In the past, for the beverage industry in Taiwan, there was no advertising to compete with the first-line brands that exited the market. Under this circumstance, how should Chairman Ye, Feng-Rong decide the development of the company?
The case is divided into two phases, discussing the decision of the company's leaders in handling the company's operations and acting as a brand, and investing 3 billion to establish the first private brewery in Taiwan, due to the external political atmosphere and the negative impact of Chinese goods. The image has led to a sales volume that is not as good as before. As a company leader, how to use company resources to lead the company to re-innovate. The direction of the discussion includes brand management, marketing management, strategic management, crisis management, resource base, blue ocean strategy, business model and so on.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VII 1. 緒論 1 1.1. 產業概況 1 1.1.1 啤酒的歷史 1 1.1.2 台灣啤酒市場概況 1 1.2 台灣青啤股份有限公司介紹 3 1.2.1 集團介紹 3 1.2.2 公司文化 4 1.2.3 台灣青啤主營運架構 4 1.2.4 業務銷售策略 5 1.2.5 台灣青啤製程 6 1.2.6 台灣青啤設備 7 1.3 青島啤酒介紹 8 1.4 考驗的來臨 10 1.4.1 危機降臨 10 1.4.2 台灣製造的決定 10 1.4.3 青島啤酒的支持 11 1.4.4 台灣青啤龍泉廠的誕生 12 1.5 現實的歷練 12 1.5.1 市場完全改變 12 1.5.2 龍泉自有品牌的誕生 13 1.5.3 產品多元化的策略 14 1.6 跳脫僵局的嚐試 15 1.6.1 意外的合作 15 1.6.2 甲蟲的競爭 16 1.6.3 把大家的餅都做大 17 1.7 競合共好的契機 18 2. 教學指引 21 2.1. 個案總覽 21 2.2. 教學目標 21 2.3. 使用課程與對象 22 2.4. 討論問題與參考答案 23 2.5. 其它值得討論的問題 33 2.6. 教學建議 34 文獻參考 36

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本文以過去十年吉悌電信(GTE) 與NEC的表現,來說明企業核心能力的重要。吉悌電信(GTE) 與NEC為兩家業務組合相似的公司。但NEC卻儼然成為全球半導體的領導廠商。兩家原本業務組合相似的公司,十年內有如此不同的表現?主要原因在於NEC以「核心能力」的角度來思考自己。
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