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研究生: 趙福懋
Fu-Mao Chao
論文名稱: 一個基於隨機森林分類器的籃球裁判即時動態手勢辨識系統
A Real-time Dynamic Gesture Recognition System for Basketball Referees Based on a Random Forest Classifier
指導教授: 范欽雄
Chin-Shyurng Fahn
口試委員: 施仁忠
Zen-Chung Shih
Jung-Tang Huang
Tai-Lin Chin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 84
中文關鍵詞: 人機互動動態手勢辨識手部分割手部追蹤計算幾何隨機森林
外文關鍵詞: human-computer interaction, dynamic gesture recognition, hand segmentation, hand tracking, computational geometry, Random Forest
相關次數: 點閱:732下載:0
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  • 近年來,人機互動的重要性逐漸提升。手勢互動的行為逐漸佈滿我們生活之中,但也產生許多的問題和衍生多項的技術議題等待被解決。隨著科技迅速的演變與發展,人們正在使用各項技術來實現與機器溝通和互動的想法。



    In recent years, the importance of human-computer interaction has been gradually improved. Gesture interaction behavior has gradually filled our lives, but has also produced many problems and derivatives of a number of technical issues waiting to be resolved. With the rapid evolution and development of science and technology, human beings are using the technology to achieve communication and interaction with the machine.

    In this paper, we used a single webcam as the medium for image inputs, and established a real-time dynamic gesture recognition system. First, in order to find out the area where the hand and the head are in the images, we segmented the user-defined skin color area set by the system. Then we used the method of geometry calculation to obtain information about the hands and head, providing information to allow the system to interact with the user instantly. Finally, we refined the gesture data by normalization, and then used Random Forest method in machine learning to deal with dynamic gesture data for training and recognizing.

    We collected the six NBA referee gestures and created a database of five different people. There were 600 gesture data. The experimental results show that the average accuracy of the six gesture is 98.5%. The system we proposed can achieve the performance of real-time recognition, for 640 × 640 size images, and the overall average performance is 30 frames per second.

    中文摘要 i Abstract ii 致謝 iii Table of Contents iv List of Figures vi List of Tables x Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Motivation 2 1.3 System Description 3 1.4 Thesis organization 5 Chapter 2 Background and Related Works 6 2.1 Glove Based Gesture Recognition 6 2.1.1 Active Data Glove 6 2.1.2 Passive Data Glove 9 2.2 Vision Based Gesture Recognition 11 2.2.1 Appearance Based Approach 11 2.2.2 Model Based Approach 14 2.3 Official Rules and Signs of the NBA 18 Chapter 3 Hand Segmentation 20 3.1 Smoothing 20 3.2 Skin Color Detection 23 3.3 Median Filtering 27 3.4 Contour Tracking 28 3.5 Convex Hull 35 3.6 Convexity Defect 40 Chapter 4 Dynamic Gesture Recognition 44 4.1 Hand Position Finding 44 4.2 Hands Touch Detection 45 4.3 Hand Gesture Data Capturing 48 4.4 Random Forest 53 4.5 Feature of training 56 Chapter 5 Experimental Results and Discussions 58 5.1 Experimental Setup 58 5.2 Database Setup 59 5.3 The Results of Gesture Recognition 62 Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work 67 6.1 Conclusions 67 6.2 Future Work 68 References 69

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