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Author: 鄭詠儒
Albert Cheng
Thesis Title: 軟體定義網路中基於中國剩餘定理轉發架構下單鏈路故障快速恢復系統
CRT-­based Fast Failover Routing in Software­-Defined Networking
Advisor: 金台齡
Tai-Lin Chin
Committee: 沈中安
Chung-An Shen
Chin-Ya Huang
Shan-Hsiang Shen
Degree: 碩士
Department: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
Thesis Publication Year: 2021
Graduation Academic Year: 109
Language: 英文
Pages: 44
Keywords (in Chinese): 軟體定義網路源路由偏轉可靠性中國剩餘定理
Keywords (in other languages): Chinese Remainder Theorem
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  • 軟體定義網路殘數系統是一種新的網路架構,它依靠簡單的同餘運算來取代軟體定義網路交換機依靠流表轉發封包的操作。 當前的軟體定義網路殘數系統不包括有效率的單鏈路故障恢復機制。 本文提出了 KeyPair,旨在通過添加單鏈路故障快速轉發封包機制來增強殘數係統結構。 本論文提出的 KeyPair 是一種新的域內可靠源路由系統,它依靠控制器事先將主要路徑以及偏轉路徑的訊息編碼在轉發標籤中,每個數據包的封包內,交換機只需要透過封包編碼資訊即可以有效轉發封包。在 KeyPair 路由系統中,每個交換機包含兩個密鑰,每個封包發送端口都為轉發標籤 除上和該路徑上交換機上密鑰所獲得的餘數。本文通過實驗模擬對 KeyPair 進行了評估,結果表明 KeyPair 有效地將數據包轉發到目的地,並保持高吞吐量和低數據包丟失率。

    Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) based forwarding system is a new network architecture that replaces the SDN switch flow table lookup operation by relying on a simple modulo operation. The current CRT-based forwarding system does not include an effective mechanism for recovery. This paper proposed KeyPair that aims to enhance the forwarding architecture by adding a fast failover mechanism. KeyPair is a new intradomain resilient source routing system that relies on the controller to encode route path information in the packet header for each switch on the routing path. KeyPair path selection mechanism guarantees that each switch along the path contains the shortest rerouting path to reach the destination. This paper evaluates KeyPair through extensive simulations. The results show that KeyPair efficiently recovers the route when a link failure occurs and maintains high throughput and low packet loss rates.

    AbstractinChinese AbstractinEnglish Contents ListofFigures ListofTables ListofAlgorithms 1 Introduction 2 RelatedWork ........................... 4 2.1 PacketForwardingUsingLabels.............. 4 2.2 ResilientRouting ...................... 7 2.3 SDNCRT­basedForwarding ................ 9 2.4 ProtocolIndependentArchitecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3 PreliminariesForCRT­BasedRouting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4 KeyPairResilientRoutingSystemDesign . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.1 PathSelectionAlgorithm.................. 16 4.2 KeySelectionforPathEncoding.............. 20 4.3 KeyPairSwitchForwarding ................ 22 4.4 EncodingSize........................ 24 5 KeyPairPrototypeImplementation ................ 25 5.1 KeyPair Core Network Implementation . . . . . . . . . . 25 5.2 KeyPairSwitchImplementation .............. 27 5.3 KeyPairSwitchModificationProcess . . . . . . . . . . . 32 6 Experiment ............................ 33 6.1 Setup ............................ 33 6.2 Result............................ 36 7 Conclusions ............................ 41 References............................... 42

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