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研究生: 陳佳伶
Chia-Ling Chen
論文名稱: 一套應用於iPhone的個人理財助理之設計與實作
Design and Implementation of a Personal Financial Assistant for iPhone
指導教授: 吳傳嘉
Chwan-Chia Wu
口試委員: 黎碧煌
Bih-Hwang Lee
Ce-Kuen Shieh
Chun-Ming Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 141
中文關鍵詞: iOSPhoneGapjQuery Mobile個人財務助理
外文關鍵詞: iOS5, PhoneGap, jQuery Mobile, Personal Financial Assistant
相關次數: 點閱:224下載:0
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In recent years, the advancement and popularization of smart phone technology changed people’s way of life. Traditional methods like pen and paper for everyday bookkeeping is no longer enough, and is gradually replaced by handheld bookkeeping applications. But most applications for this purpose have too few or too many features, resulting in unnecessary additional complexity. There’s no trade-off features application for users.
This thesis aims to built an system that can help users manage his or hers wealth or assets with ease, it features four functions: “ Personal Accounts ”,“Exchange Rates”, “Financial Management & Investments” and “Traveling Ledger”. Personal Accounts can help you get a clear view of your savings, cash and credit card usage, letting you keep track of every cent you spent easily. Exchange rates uses data from the Bank of Taiwan, and can check both the current rate and historical rates, and also incorporates foreign investment management functions. Financial management and investments can keep track of sold/ bought stock, funds and insurances, letting the user easily keep track of investments. Traveling Ledger keeps track of money spent when abroad or traveling, and allows checking traveling expense history in the past for assessing future traveling expenses.
The system is designed for the iOS5 of iPhone, using PhoneGap with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript technologies to achieve cross-platform support. The most important goal we try to achieve is improve the financial managing experience for users by designing a personal assistant system that is intuitive and easy to use.

目錄 摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 III 圖目錄 V 表目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機及目的 2 1.3 本研究系統功能概述 3 1.4 章節架構 5 第二章 開發平台與相關背景介紹 6 2.1 iOS 6 2.2 jQuery Mobile 10 2.3 PhoneGap 11 2.4 JSON 13 2.5 Sencha Touch 14 2.6 WebSQL 14 第三章 個人理財助理系統設計 17 3.1 系統開發環境 17 3.2 系統功能規劃 17 3.3 系統功能設計 22 3.3.1 家計簿(Personal Accounts) 22 3.3.2 金融匯率(Exchange Rates) 35 3.3.3 理財投資(Financial Investments) 44 3.3.4 旅遊記帳(Travel Ledger) 56 3.4 資料庫設計與架構 69 3.4.1 資料庫建立 69 3.4.2 家計簿-Account Database 70 3.4.3 金融匯率-F-Deposit Databae 72 3.3.4 理財投資-Investment Database 73 3.4.5 旅遊記帳-TripLedger Database 76 3.4.6 資料庫之架構 79 第四章 個人理財助理系統實作 82 4.1家計簿 83 4.1.1 收入事件 83 4.1.2 支出事件 89 4.1.3 匯入/轉帳事件 91 4.1.4 日曆顯示與編輯 93 4.1.5 圓餅圖分析 95 4.2 金融匯率 96 4.2.1牌告匯率 97 4.2.2 匯率轉換 100 4.2.3 外匯存款 101 4.3 理財投資子系統 106 4.3.1基金管理 106 4.3.2 股票管理 112 4.3.3保險管理 117 4.4 旅遊記帳 120 4.1.1 旅遊總預算 120 4.1.2 支出事件 123 4.1.4 日曆顯示與編輯 126 4.1.5 圓餅圖分析 128 4.1.6 結清與歷史紀錄 129 第五章 與App Store同類型應用軟體比較 131 5.1與App Store上免費軟體比較 131 5.2 與App Store上付費軟體比較 133 第六章 結論與未來展望 137 6.1 結論 137 6.2 未來展望 138 參考文獻 139

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