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研究生: 游善淳
Shan-Chuen Yu
論文名稱: 利用有限元素法探討中空型椎弓根螺絲之彎曲強度與骨咬合強度
Biomechanical Studies for Bending Strength and Bone Holding Power of Cannulated Pedicle Screws Using Finite Element Methods
指導教授: 徐慶琪
Ching-Chi Hsu
口試委員: 趙振綱
Ching-Kong Chao
Chun-Li Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 醫學工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 93
中文關鍵詞: 骨水泥有限元素法中空椎弓根螺絲椎體成型術骨質疏鬆
外文關鍵詞: Bone cement, Finite Element Methods, Cannulated pedicle screws, Osteoporosis, Vertebroplasty
相關次數: 點閱:442下載:20
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以市售繪圖軟體SolidWork 2008建立彎曲強度模型與骨咬合強度模型,而模型繪製完成後,匯入市售有限元素分析軟體ANSYS Workbench 11進行有限元素分析,其在彎曲強度的部份,探討三種不同類型的椎弓根螺絲(實心椎弓根螺絲、中空型椎弓根螺絲以及中空型椎弓根螺絲鎖入銷),並且分析圓錐型與圓柱型這兩種不同類型的椎弓根螺絲;而在骨咬合強度的部份,則是分析骨水泥在不同位置之最大拉出強度,並且也探討了圓錐型與圓柱型椎弓根螺絲,而在圓錐型椎弓根螺絲,考慮了有無骨壓縮效應,將進行參數化分析以及靈敏度分析。

The tendency of population aging has become more and more serious in recent years. This tendency will lead many people to suffer from orthopedic diseases such as osteoporosis. Anchoring pedicle screws on osteoporotic spine is a challenge work, especially in patients with very low bone mineral density (BMD). Cannulated pedicle screws with injection of bone cement might be useful method to improve their bone holding power. However, the biomechanical performance of cannulated pedicle screws for the bone holding power was unclear. In addition, the pedicle screws are the weakest part of the spinal implants. Unfortunately, screw failure would become more serious when cannulated pedicle screws were used. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate the bending strength and bone holding power of cannulated pedicle screws with different screw designs using finite element methods.
Two types of the finite element models, which consisted of the bending strength models and the bone holding power models, were constructed and analyzed using SolidWorks and ANSYS Workbench. For the bending strength models, three types of screw structures (solid pedicle screws, cannulated pedicle screws, and cannulated pedicle screws with pin) and two types of screw threads (conical design and cylindrical design) were discussed. For the bone holding power models, conical pedicle screws and cylindrical pedicle screws with bone cement were analyzed. The best location of bone cement for different pedicle screw designs was also discussed. In the discussion of conical pedicle screws, whether there is the effect of bone compaction is discussed to do parameterized analysis and sensitivity analysis.
For the results of the bending strength models, the bending strength of the conical cannulated pedicle screws was significantly superior to that of the cylindrical cannulated pedicle screws. In addition, the cylindrical cannulated pedicle screw with pin could greatly improve their bending strength as compared with the cylindrical cannulated pedicle screw alone. For the results of the bone holding power models, the best bone cement distribution was very close to the proximal site of pedicle screws and the model with bone compaction is better than the model without bone compaction. This result was compatible with the past study. Therefore, the numerical models created in this study can be used to predict the bending strength and the bone holding power of the cannulated pedicle screws with injection of bone cement. These models can also decrease the time and effort for improving commercial products or developing a new design.

中文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目 錄 IV 圖表索引 VII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景、動機與目的 1 1.2 脊椎解剖與構造 4 1.3 骨質疏鬆椎體之疾病 7 1.4 椎弓根螺絲簡介 9 1.5 文獻回顧 10 1.5.1 臨床研究 10 1.5.2 彎曲強度 10 1.5.3 拉出強度 11 1.6 本文架構 14 第二章 材料與方法 15 2.1 研究流程 15 2.2 材料簡介 17 2.2.1 中空型椎弓根螺絲 17 2.2.2 仿椎體材料試片 17 2.2.3 骨水泥 17 2.2.4 椎體與骨水泥分佈情況 18 2.3 有限元素法簡介 20 2.4 彎曲強度分析 24 2.5 彎曲強度之收斂性分析 32 2.6 彎曲強度之參數化分析 34 2.6.1 不同類型的中空型螺絲分析 34 2.6.2 中空型螺絲加入銷分析 35 2.7 骨咬合強度分析 36 2.8 骨咬合強度之收斂性分析 39 2.9 骨咬合之參數化分析 39 第三章 結果 42 3.1 彎曲強度分析結果 42 3.1.1 收斂性分析 42 3.1.2 不同類型的中空型螺絲分析結果 47 3.1.3 中空型螺絲加入銷之分析結果 51 3.2 骨咬合強度分析結果 56 3.2.1 收斂性分析 56 3.2.2 參數化分析 60 第四章 討論 63 第五章 結論與未來展望 68 5.1 結論 68 5.2 未來展望 69 參考文獻 70 附錄 75 作者簡介 81

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