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研究生: 顏士堯
Shih-Yao Yen
論文名稱: 九相混合激磁型發電機功率轉換器之設計
Design of Converter for Nine-phase Hybrid Excitation Generators
指導教授: 黃仲欽
Jonq-Chin Hwang
口試委員: 葉勝年
Sheng-Nian Yeh
Chang-Hua Lin
Faa-Jeng Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 78
中文關鍵詞: 九相混合激磁型發電機單一開關型昇壓轉換器市電併聯三相換流器
外文關鍵詞: nine-phase hybrid excitation generator, single switch boost type converter
相關次數: 點閱:338下載:3
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本研究先建立九相混合激磁型發電機、單一開關型昇壓轉換器、三相換流器之模型,以及系統整合控制策略,俾利Matlab/Simulink作整體的模擬,並作為實作之依據。本系統以德州儀器公司之數位信號處理器TMS320F28335為控制核心,其控制策略皆由軟體程式完成,故可減少電路元件。本文已完成九相混合激磁型發電機功率轉換器及市電併聯的實體製作。在單一開關型昇壓轉換器操作於九相時,發電機輸出功率1162.8 W,發電機每相電流總諧波失真率為9.37 %,饋入市電側功率為1100.9 W,三相換流器每相電流總諧波失真率為8.07 %,整體功率轉換系統之效率為94.7 %。實測結果驗證了本文控制策略之可行性。

This thesis aims to design a power converter for nine-phase generator, whose magnetization consists of dc as well as permanent-magnet excitations. The output of the nine-phase generator is first connected in series with capacitors to counteract the equivalent armature inductance for increasing output power capacity. A single switch boost type ac-dc power converter introduced behind the capacitor will feedback its output dc current for the closed-loop control of current to yield the required power from the generator. Finally for the three phase power inverter, a digital phase-lock loop is designed to calculate the phase-angle of the grid voltage to facilitate frame transformation for the voltage and current closed-loop control of the inverter. In addition, a proportional-integral control is given for dc-link voltage to maintain its stability under load variation.
The models of nine-phase hybrid excitation generator, single switch boost type ac-dc power converter as well as three-phase power inverter are built and analyzed by using Matlab/Simulink. A 32-bit digital controller, “TMS320F 28335”, is used as the control core, and all the control strategies are accomplished by software programs in order to reduce circuit components. The physical circuits of converter and inverter are built and measured. The generator output is 1162.8 W with 1100.9 W transmitted to the power grid. The phase current total harmonic distortion of three-phase inverter is 8.07%. The overall efficiency of the boost converter and power inverter is 94.7%. The experimental results verify the feasibility of the proposed power conversion and its control strategy.

目錄 摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 符號索引 VII 圖表索引 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機及目的 1 1.2 文獻探討 2 1.3 系統架構及本文特色 3 1.4 本文大綱 4 第二章 九相混合激磁型發電機的模式及參數量測 6 2.1 前言 6 2.2 九相混合激磁型發電機之模型與數學模式 6 2.3 二極體整流及輸出電壓的分析 10 2.4九相混合激磁型發電機轉子磁極角位置估測 12 2.5九相混合激磁型發電機的參數量測 15 2.6 結語 20 第三章 九相混合激磁型發電機的昇壓轉換器分析及控制 21 3.1 前言 21 3.2 九相混合激磁型發電機串聯電容的等效電路分析 21 3.3九相混合激磁型發電機之昇壓型轉換器 25 3.4單一開關型昇壓轉換器之電流閉迴路控制策略 27 3.5九相混合激磁型發電機之單一開關型昇壓轉換器模擬與實測 29 3.6結語 38 第四章 三相市電併聯及系統整合 39 4.1前言 39 4.2三相換流器分析及控制 39 4.3三相市電併聯控制策略 40 4.4系統整合的模擬 44 4.5結語 49 第五章 實體製作及實測 50 5.1前言 50 5.2硬體電路實作 50 5.2.1.數位信號處理器介面電路 50 5.2.2.霍爾效應偵測元件規劃 52 5.2.3.電壓回授電路 53 5.2.4.電流回授電路 53 5.3軟體規劃 54 5.3.1.單一開關型昇壓轉換器之電流閉迴路程式規劃 54 5.3.2.三相換流器之直流鏈電壓閉迴路程式規劃 55 5.4系統整合實測 57 5.5結語 61 第六章 結論與建議 62 6.1結論 62 6.2建議 63 參考文獻 64 附錄A 實作平台之系統規格 67 附錄B 轉子磁極角位置偵測裝置 70 附錄C 模擬程式 77

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