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研究生: 張忠民
Chung-ming Chang
論文名稱: 設計與實現雙向10-Gb/s傳輸的遠端泵激分波多工被動光網路
Design and Realization of Remotely Pumped WDM-PONs for Bidirectional 10-Gb/s Transmission
指導教授: 李三良
San-liang Lee
口試委員: 吳靜雄
Jing-shown Wu
Chun-Liang Yang
Chao-hsiung Tseng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 光電工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 分波多工被動光網路無色光源反射式電致吸收調變器遠端泵激
外文關鍵詞: WDM-PON, colorless, REAM, Remotely Pumped
相關次數: 點閱:460下載:1
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This work proposes an architecture of Remotely Pumped WDM-PON with bidirectional 10-Gb/s transmission to provide large bandwidth and good signal quality. In the proposed system, the downstream light sources of Blue-band and CW light sources of Red-band are transmitted simultaneously from the OLT side; and a Mach-Zehnder Modulator (MZM) is used to perform external modulation for the downstream light source. Moreover, we add an Erbium-doped fiber at the remote node and use a 1480-nm laser to provide remote pumping. This can provide gain to both the downstream and upstream signals, and compensate the power loss of the Reflected Electroabsorption modulators (REAMs). The use of REAMs at the ONU side makes the ONUs colorless.
The bidirection 10-Gb/s transmission system could be achieved with low power penalty by using the proposed architecture. Furthermore, a L-Band light source is used at the OLT for channel monitoring. We also investigate the gain characteristics for multiple wavelength channels and estimate the power budget.

摘要 Abstract 誌謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 導論 1.1前言 1.2 被動光網路的簡介 1.3研究動機 1.4論文架構 第二章 遠端泵激分波多工被動光網路之介紹 2.1前言 2.2 分波多工被動光網路 2.3無色光源技術 2.4摻鉺光纖放大器原理與特性 2.4.1摻鉺光纖放大器的放大原理 2.4.2參數描述 2.5拉曼放大(Raman Amplification) 原理與特性 2.5.1拉曼放大的放大原理 2.5.2參數描述 2.5.3摻鉺光纖放大器與拉曼放大之比較 2.6雷利散射原理與特性 2.7誤碼率分析 第三章 Remotely pumped WDM-PON架構進行雙向傳輸所使用元件之特性介紹 3.1前言 3.2電致吸收調變器基本特性介紹與量測 3.3馬赫任德電光調變器特性介紹與量測 第四章 系統設計概念與量測結果 4.1前言 4.2傳輸系統設計概念 4.3同時多波長傳輸的增益與光訊號雜訊比 4.3.1拉曼放大與摻鉺光纖放大之量測與討論 4.3.2下行傳輸之量測與討論 4.3.3上行傳輸之量測與討論 4.4傳輸系統的實驗設置與量測結果 4.4.1下行傳輸10-Gb/s之實際量測 4.4.2上行傳輸10-Gb/s之實際量測 4.5光纖斷點監控 第五章 結論 5.1成果 5.2未來研究方向 參考文獻 作者簡介

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