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研究生: 葉耀崇
Yao-Chong Ye
論文名稱: 因應需量競價住宅型電能管理系統卸載策略之研究
Study on the Load Shedding Strategy of Residential Energy Management System for Demand Bidding
指導教授: 吳瑞南
Ruay-Nan Wu
口試委員: 張宏展
Hong-Chan Chang
Tsung-Huang Hsieh
Chien-Kuo Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 103
中文關鍵詞: 卸載策略電能管理系統動態規劃法需量競價
外文關鍵詞: Load Shedding Strategy, Energy Management System, Dynamic Programing, Demand Bidding
相關次數: 點閱:397下載:4
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  • 近年來,由於環保意識的提升,核能發電廠漸漸的被除役,使得台灣備用容量率也逐年降低,於是台電在民國104年提出了需量競價的需求面管理措施來降低尖峰用電量,而台電也指出低壓用戶用電量佔整個尖峰時段用電量的51%,因此,本研究建置一個住宅型的電能管理系統,目的是未來可以配合用戶群代表(Aggregator)的要求,使單一低壓用電戶匯集成群體用電戶,一起參加台電的需量競價措施,提高一般住宅用戶參與需量競價的可行度,使電能可以更有效率的使用。

    In recent years, due to the awareness of environmental protection, nuclear power plants gradually being decommissioned make Taiwan's reserve capacity rate be decreasing year by year. To reduce spikes electricity consumption, Taipower proposed demand bidding of the demand side management strategy and Taipower also pointed out that low-voltage users account for 51% of the total peak power consumption. So, this study build a residential energy management system. The purpose is to cooperate the requirements of the Aggregator, so that a single low-voltage households can be pooled into a group of electricity households to participate in Taipower’s demand bidding strategy. Improve the feasibility of general residential users to participate in demand bidding, so that electricity can be used more efficiently.
    This study proposed the use of laboratory electricity to simulate the situation of general residential electricity users. Through the energy storage equipment and load shedding strategy, laboratory electricity consumption be controlled effectively. Our charge/discharge processes of the energy storage equipment is performed by simulation. We shift the peak load for the electricity consumption, which is to improve the load factor. In order to limit electricity consumption at a particular time, we capture the laboratory real-time electricity consumption, and established into a historical database. In the participation of the demand bidding day, we forecast the electricity consumption from the historical data, and energy storage equipment charges and discharges by the load peak line, and then use the dynamic programing method for load planning in advance. Finally, we use the online load of the schedule to ensure that the electricity consumption can be reduced to the limit.
    This study uses the human machine interface to enter the demand bidding parameters to experiment. Energy storage equipment can effectively achieve to shift the peak load, and energy storage equipment’s charge and discharge doesn’t exceed constraints. When we participate in the demand bidding, on the pre-planning and online scheduling, electricity consumption can be reduced to below the limit value in the period of limit. Regardless of the limit value is fixed or variety type. The experiment result shows that it can satisfy the requirements of the demand bidding.

    目錄 中文摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的與方法 3 1.3 章節概述 6 第二章 電能管理系統介紹 8 2.1 前言 8 2.2 家庭電能管理 9 2.3 儲能系統概述 11 2.3.1 蓄電池的介紹 12 2.3.2 鋰離子電池充放電特性 13 2.4 需求面管理 14 2.5 台電需量反應措施 15 2.5.1 時間電價與電費計算方式 16 2.5.2 減少用電措施 19 2.5.3 空調暫停用電措施 20 2.5.4 需量競價措施 21 第三章 硬體通訊的建立與介紹 25 3.1 家庭電能管理系統硬體架構 25 3.2 Modbus通訊協定 26 3.2.1 RS-232 28 3.2.2 RS-485 29 3.3 智慧型電表 30 3.3.1 PA3000智慧型電表 31 3.4 智慧型插座 33 3.4.1 LT-114智慧型插座模組 34 第四章 管理系統規劃 36 4.1 電能管理系統模型 36 4.2 負載預測介紹 37 4.2.1 迴歸分析模型 39 4.3 介紹截峰線與計算方法 41 4.3.1 目標函數及蓄電池限制條件 43 4.3.2 計算理想截峰線方式 45 4.3.3 預測截峰線 50 4.4 事前規劃介紹 52 4.4.1 家庭負載分類與優先度 53 4.4.2 事前負載規劃方法 55 4.4.3 動態規劃法 56 4.5 線上負載排程 61 第五章 實際模擬試驗 66 5.1 實驗環境設定 66 5.2 人機介面 68 5.3 模擬與實驗案例分析 70 5.3.1 實驗一 儲能電池充放電 70 5.3.2 實驗二 固定限制值 73 5.3.3 實驗三 變化型限制值 78 第六章 結論與未來研究方向 84 6.1 結論 84 6.2 未來研究方向 85 參考文獻 86 附錄 89

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