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研究生: 李育銜
Yu-Shian Li
論文名稱: 善待離職員工是一門好生意-探討離職管理與離職價值回饋關連之研究
Being kind to the Departing Employee is a Good Business-A Study of the Relationship of Separation Management and the Value Return of the Departing Employee.
指導教授: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
口試委員: 陳俊男
Chun-Nan Chen
Ying-Jung Yeh
Shih-Hao Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 91
中文關鍵詞: 離職管理離職員工價值組織認同知覺組織支持組織公民行為社會交換
外文關鍵詞: Separation management, Retired employee value, Organizational identity, Perceived organizational support, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Social Exchange
相關次數: 點閱:561下載:15
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(1) 員工離職管理重視程度對其離職價值回饋意願度有顯著正向影響
(2) 員工知覺公司離職管理執行程度對其離職價值回饋意願度有顯著正向影響
(3) 組織認同度會強化員工離職管理重視程度與其離職價值回饋意願度正向影響
(4) 組織認同度會強化員工知覺離職管理執行程度與離職價值回饋意願度正向影響

Why is it a good business to treat employees who are leaving? This problem has been found in some well-known enterprises that promote separation management. Through the separation management, the hidden value behind the departing employees can be developed, including management value, brand value, cooperation value, recruitment value, and return value. However, most companies do not pay attention to separation management, and there is not much discussion and inspiration on this topic in the academic community. Therefore, this study aims to explore the relationship between the separation management and the return value for voluntary resignees. In order to adjust the variables, it is attempted to expand the traditional separation model to explore the scope, extend it to the new management thinking of post-separation. And develop quantitative questionnaires and measure the relationship between variables, and provide the reference for follow-up academic research and corporate practice.

In this study, the sample survey was conducted, and a total of 294 valid samples were collected. Based on statistical analysis, the results are as follows:

(1)Valuing the separation management has a significant positive impact on the
willingness of return value.

(2)The execution level of companies’ separation management has a significant positive impact on the willingness of return value.

(3)Organizational recognition will strengthen the positive impact of the valuing of separation
management and the willingness of return value.

(4)Organizational recognition will strengthen the positive impact of execution level of companies’ separation management and the willingness of return value. (partial support)

摘要..................................II ABSTRACT.............................III 誌謝..................................IV 目錄...................................V 圖目錄.................................VI 表目錄................................VII 第一章緒論..............................1 第一節 研究動機.........................1 第二節 研究目的.........................5 第三節 研究流程.........................5 第二章文獻探討...........................7 第一節 離職管理.........................7 第二節 組織認同........................16 第三節 離職價值........................19 第四節 離職管理與離職價值回饋之關連........22 第五節 組織認同之調節角色................25 第三章研究方法..........................26 第一節 研究架構與假設...................26 第二節 研究變項操作性定義與衡量...........27 第三節 研究設計........................31 第四節 資料分析方法.....................32 第四章資料分析與結果.....................35 第一節 信度、效度分析...................35 第二節 樣本資料敘述性統計................39 第三節 t檢定與變異數分析.................52 第四節 Pearson相關分析..................58 第五節 階層式迴歸模式分析................60 第五章結論與建議.........................65 第一節 研究結論.........................65 第二節 研究貢獻.........................67 第三節 管理意涵.........................69 第四節 研究限制.........................71 第五節 未來研究展望......................73 參考文獻................................74 附錄一、研究問卷..........................80

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