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研究生: 傅瑞雄
Jui-Hsiung Fu
論文名稱: 行銷模式對員工招募之影響-以特殊耐磨鋼材業之銷售工程師招募為例
The Marketing Mode Impact on Staff Recruitment: The Recruitment of Sales Engineers in Special Wear-resisting Steel
指導教授: 林孟彥
Meng-Yen Lin
口試委員: 蔡瑤昇
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 行銷人力資源特殊耐磨鋼材
外文關鍵詞: Marketing, Human Resource, Special Wear-resisting Steel
相關次數: 點閱:277下載:5
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The Eleventh Five-year plan of China started since 2006 to 2010. The fixed assets investment of cement industry grew by 114.4 billion RMB in 2005 to 662.5 billion RMB in 2010. This investment effect is continuously making industry rapidly grows, and expand the demand of using special wear-resisting steel in cement industry. Also, the needs of sales engineers who need to provide a full range of wear resisting project is rising.
In 2011, the applicable industry of special wear-resisting steel continuously expanded from cement industry into steelmaking, mining and thermal power industry. The marketing model of cement industry changed from the B2B model based on the equipment manufacturers into the B2C model based on the cement plant. Both the expansion of the applicable industry of special wear-resisting steel and the change of cement industry’s marketing model cause the increasing needs of sales engineers in special wear-resisting steel industry.
Even though such a large need of sales engineers which because the industrial structure of special wear-resisting steel has changed and the scope of application expands. There was no related research to explore how to recruit appropriate quality sales engineers.
The purpose of this study is to raise the recruitment effect of sales engineers through the operation of the 4P model in marketing.
In the first of this study, we explore the documents of corporate marketing, internal marketing, employee recruitment and special wear-resisting steel industry in China. Then, briefly introduce the issues which the special wear-resisting steel industry in China encountered while recruiting sales engineers.
In this study, the issues and the solution process of recruiting sales engineers are divided into four stages which are the gestation period, the planning period, the implementation period and the acceptance period to be stated. This study will also deeply interview the accepted sales engineers to verify the impact of this marketing model to the sales engineers.
In the end of this study, the conclusion will provide a planning reference about how the job seekers and the recruiters match the marketing mode for the human resource department in different industries, and also provide the basis of the reference to different marketing channels such as sales engineers recruitment of Internet community.

指導教授推薦書I 考試委員審定書II 摘要III ABSTRACTIV 誌謝V 目錄VI 圖目錄VIII 表目錄IX 第一章緒論1 第一節研究背景與動機1 第二節研究目的2 第三節研究的重要性2 第四節研究流程3 第二章文獻探討4 第一節行銷4 第二節內部行銷9 第三節員工招募14 第四節中國大陸特殊耐磨鋼材業18 第三章研究方法22 第一節研究架構22 第二節研究設計22 第三節資料分析23 第四章企業之分析24 第一節企業概況24 第二節企業銷售工程師招募議題分析30 第五章解決過程與成效分析31 第一節解決過程概述31 第二節行動方案-人力資源行銷33 第三節實際成效36 第六章結論37 第一節管理意涵37 第二節研究限制與建議38 參考文獻39 中文文獻39 英文文獻41 附件一企業沿革44 附件二人力資源市場銷售工程師招募之運作模式46 附件三蘇州優霹複合材料有限公司業務體系之績效評估與晉升制度50 附件四新進銷售工程師教育訓練課程規劃57 附件五訪談意見紀錄表58 授權書64

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