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研究生: 王麗鈴
論文名稱: 台灣證券業競爭策略分析─以Y證券集團為例
指導教授: 張順教
Shun-Chiao Chang
口試委員: 陳厚銘
Chen, Homin
Wu, Couchen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: 策略及價值證券併購證券服務優勢
外文關鍵詞: SWOT
相關次數: 點閱:198下載:9
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  • 這個個案的故事要先從1999年開始說起,那時Y證券公司全省只有45個營業據點,新金融商品發行認購權證,在當時發行量是第一名;國際業務在泰國經紀業務市佔率也達5.26%,就在當時宣佈與C及T證券合併,成為國內第一宗大型券商自發性合併案,合併後實收資本額為新台幣203.53億;營業據點為91家分公司,同時更名為YC證券。接下來是2007年合併案,Y與F證券合併成立為Y金控集團,再度更名為Y證券公司,也是有金融控股公司以來,第一家以證券投資經營為主,Y證券公司為了維持龍頭的地位領先於2011年12月獲得核准合併P證券公司,並更名為YP證券公司,此決策下所應衡量著哪些層次與項目?於此論文中作將一一深入研討及論述。為什麼Y證券一直可以是在證券市埸上市佔率維持第一。
    本個案之討論將藉由Y證券如何從一家小小證券商成長蛻變為今天一家市場知名的金融控股公司,Y公司的成長歷程是非常值得大家尊敬與學習的。 但是無可諱言的是如果企業想要基業長青,如何解決當前的內在與外在問題,又如何對應面臨的機遇與挑戰。觀察到Y證券快速成長的過程,包含了企業家的特質、內外在環境的利因素、成長與學習以及末來發展面臨的挑戰。從各方面思考分析,展開對Y證券公司的企業經營探討,及Y 證券如何創造價值及擴充據點增加分公司的過程中,以達到在台灣證券商龍頭地位之目標,而Y證券是具有那些獨別的特性及資源條件呢?又如何利用Y證券本身資源條件,維持著Y證券多年來的願景『掌握先機、創造財富、誠信服務、保障權益』目標,而企業的精神與文化是對Y證券永續經營的必要條件,當成也是Y證券最大影響力的來源,更是作為整個企業策略之參考,以取得更佳之競爭優勢、尋求願景永續經營之發展動力。

    The story about this company began in 1999. With 45 operation branches in Taiwan, The Y Securities company issues Warrants to the public and became the most traded company at that time. With business quickly expanding internationally, Y Securities had obtained a 5.26% market share in Thailand. At that moment, the company merged the C and T Securities and as a result, had formed the YC Securities. The newly formed company had been the first case of such a merger within the large scaled brokerage segment, with registered capital of NT 20.353 billion and 91 branches. Following the merger in 2007, the YC Securities merged with F Securities, a financial holding company, and was renamed as Y Securities. The company's main focus has been in securities investment since it was established as a financial holding company. As of December 2011, Y Securities been permitted to merge with P Securities in order to maintain a dominant position within the domestic market; now renamed The YP Securities. So, what should we measure? In this context, we must strength project management, so as to improve the level of management. The main research in this Athesis will make a deeper analysis--- Why the Y Securities been in the market leading many years in terms of market shares?
    The case study proves how a small scaled securities firm such as Y Securities became a market leader among financial holding companies due to rapid growth and as such, is very worthy of our respect and study in the development history of Y Securities. There is no denying the fact that in order to resolve current internal and external problems, we are faced with opportunities and challenges that will help make our strategy more competitive and gain the competitive advantage in the pursuit of a lasting business. While looking into the rapid growth of Y Securities, we exhibit characteristics of an entrepreneur, both internal and external factors, pursuit of growth and learning, and the challenge for future growth. Taking everything into consideration, how does Y Securities enjoy a dominant position in domestic securities business through the creation of brand value and expansion? Also, how is Y Securities unique in the resources it possesses? During the years of development, Y Securities has consistently taken advantage of its resources by adhering to its philosophy of "Grasping the opportunity, creating innovation, and providing sincere service and safeguards". As a result, the enterprise spirit and culture have become an influential source and reference to its entire enterprise strategy. To maintain its position as a leader and survive from competition, it is crucial for Y Securities to maintain its competitive advantage and increase the momentum of pursuing sustainable operations vision in the business.

    摘要I AbstractII 謝辭III 目錄IV 圖目錄VI 表目錄VII 第一章前言1 第一節研究背景1 第二節研究架構2 第三節Y企業簡史4 第二章Y公司購併個案(一)7 第一節證券購併的動機7 第二節集團發展過程及併購歷史8 第三節從購併理論檢視Y企業購併10 第三章Y企業購併個案(二)19 第一節Y公司優勢劣勢分析19 第二節動態SWOT分析22 第三節Y證券公司在1995年時期的組織互動特徵24 第四節Y金控組織規劃24 第五節Y證券公司2005年時期的組織互動特徵30 第六節Y證券公司2005年時期的組織互動特徵34 第七節Y證券公司在穩定中求發展的長期經濟策略35 第八節Y金控購併改善人員的方法36 第四章Y證券公司未來挑戰38 第一節企業家的學習及成長38 第二節Y集團重要里程碑38 第三節Y證券成長特徵說明39 第四節企業家的特質45 第五節外在環境的有利因素46 第六節成長與學習47 第七節未來發展面臨的挑戰48 第五章結論51 第一節Y公司的機遇與挑戰51 第二節Y公司在各方面所面臨的嚴峻挑戰:52

    Brouthers, Hastenburg & Joran (1998), “If Most Mergers Fail Why are They so Popular,” Long Range Planning, 347-353.
    Money 財經知識庫,http://www.monedj.com