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研究生: 楊領嘉
Ling-Chia Yang
論文名稱: 無敵破壞王的溫柔轉型–台灣水泥
A Gentle Transformation of The Super Destroyer-TCC
指導教授: 陳俊男
Chun-Nan Chen
口試委員: 鄭仁偉
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: PEST 分析資源基礎理論雙元性創新企業轉型
外文關鍵詞: PEST Analysis, Resource-Based Theory, Ambidexterity Innovation, Enterprise Transformation
相關次數: 點閱:337下載:3
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2007 年一場意外帶走了台泥集團的支柱辜成允董事長,也讓台泥頓時間失去仰賴的支柱,有幸有對產業瞭若指掌、企業經營管理有方的張安平董事長出手接任,並帶領台泥成功轉型。台泥於2017 年發展多角化的綠電儲能的轉型策略,考量到未來國際能源供應情況,將可能因為化石能源枯竭、國際政經局勢不穩定等因素持續惡化,而能源使用引發環境品質惡化情況也將會更受關切。開發具有高自主、低碳特性的再生能源,已成為世界各國能源政策的重要項目。

本研究以哈佛個案研究之方式進行,藉由PEST 分析當前營運環境,並運用資源基礎理論盤點內部資源,找出台泥外部機會與競爭優勢。在同一時間內將資源進行最佳配適以執行雙元性創新,來適應不斷變化的市場環境。扭轉台泥企業形象,全力轉型為綠色企業,發展綠電、儲能、電池等領域。

ESG, a term receiving greater attention recently, is testing the operation models of
various enterprises. In this case, TCC, as a high-pollution and high-carbon petrochemical industry, is especially suffering from the challenge so that the traditional high-pollution production method will not be able to continue. Achieving a balance between high pollution and environmental protection is a pressing issue for TCC in pursuit of sustainable development.

In 2007, an accident took away TCC Chairman Leslie Koo, and TCC lost the pillar to
rely on at the same time. Fortunately, Nelson Chang, who took over Leslie’s position, knows the industry well and possesses decent management skills, and he guided TCC to a successful enterprise transformation. Notedly, the future situation of the international energy supply is worsening because of insufficient fossil and unstable global political and economic situations. Moreover, people pay more attention to energy use, causing environmental quality deterioration. TCC developed diverse transformation strategies for green energy storage systems in 2017. Developing renewable energy with high autonomy and the lowcarbon property has become a critical project of worldwide energy policies.

This study is adapted by Harvard case study methodology. Though the study on the topics such as PEST to analyze the current operating environment and incorporates
Resource-Based Theory to make an inventory of the internal resources for identifying TCC’s external opportunities and competitive advantages. Meanwhile, the researcher tried to find the best resource fit to implement ambidexterity innovation to adapt to the ever-changing market conditions. The findings can support TCC changing the corporate image by transforming into a green enterprise and developing more projects, such as green energy, batteries, and energy storage systems.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 I 表目錄 II 壹、個案本文 1 一、祝福背後藏著悲劇 1 二、辜家的救援投手_張安平 3 三、台灣水泥產業的發展 4 四、水泥產業的原罪 7 五、水泥產業的龍頭_台灣水泥 11 六、台泥的第一步企業變革 14 七、無敵破壞王變身的決心 17 八、台泥轉型為綠色巨人 21 附錄1、張安平的救火隊事蹟 26 附錄2、水泥生產過程使用能源與排放物質流程圖 27 貳、教學指引 28 一、個案總覽 28 二、教學目標與適用課程 29 一、學員課前準備 33 二、學員問題討論 33 三、個案背景 34 四、個案分析 35 五、教學建議 56 六、板書規劃 61 參考文獻 66 中文文獻 66 英文文獻 68 參考網站 71


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