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研究生: 林正文
Jeng-Wen Lin
論文名稱: 歐萊德的綠色信仰
Green Faith of O'right
指導教授: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
口試委員: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
Ying-Jung Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 綠色轉型循環經濟產品創新綠色管理
外文關鍵詞: green transformation, circular economy, product innovation, green management
相關次數: 點閱:509下載:19
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全球永續發展目標的提出,使減碳和淨零成為企業面臨的重要挑戰。歐萊德公司在2006年便開始綠色轉型,將原本的時尚信仰轉化為綠色信仰,並朝全面綠色轉型邁進。在確立品牌發展方向後,歐萊德專注於研發對人體無害、環保友善的產品,並負起對社會的責任。品牌名O'right象徵璀璨的地球,呼籲保護自然,並代表「all right」,期許萬事順利,同時呼籲地球公民共同守護地球。
本論文探討台灣綠色美髮品牌歐萊德如何成功實踐綠色轉型,以 "造福人類、社會和地球" 為理念,成為屢獲殊榮的企業。在資源有限的情況下,歐萊德將環保理念貫穿整個產品創新設計、生產、包裝和行銷過程的綠色管理,並在國際上贏得多個大獎和殊榮,展現了MIT品牌的全球影響力。

Facing the sorrow of losing both parents to cancer and being troubled by frequent allergies since childhood, Chairman Steven Ko decided to transform the O'right company, originally an agent for beauty and hair fashion products, towards the "green and organic" hair care product market, embracing the principles of purity, naturalness, environmental protection, and treating the Earth kindly. To protect humanity from harmful chemicals, he established "green, sustainable, and innovative" as the company's core values, addressing social and environmental issues, offering comprehensive green sustainable lifestyle solutions, and creating multi-dimensional green circular economic value.
The introduction of global sustainable development goals has made carbon reduction and net-zero essential challenges for businesses. O'right began its green transformation in 2006, converting its original fashion beliefs into green beliefs and moving towards comprehensive green transformation. Upon establishing its brand development direction, O'right focused on developing harmless and eco-friendly products for the human body while taking up its social responsibilities. The brand name O'right symbolizes a dazzling Earth, appealing for the protection of nature, and representing "all right," wishing for smooth sailing and calling on Earth's citizens to protect the planet together.
This paper explores how the Taiwanese green hair care brand O'right successfully implemented green transformation, adopting the philosophy of "benefiting humanity, society, and the Earth," and becoming an award-winning enterprise. With limited resources, O'right incorporated environmental principles throughout its green management of product innovation, design, production, packaging, and marketing, winning numerous international awards and accolades, demonstrating the global influence of the MIT brand.
The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic prompted reflection on the imbalance between human and natural ecosystems. Against this backdrop, both individuals and businesses need to work together to create green impact and fulfill social responsibility while striving to prevent the nightmares and disasters of climate change from affecting future generations. This is also one of the main reasons for the global focus on environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) issues.
In addition to introducing O'right's green transformation background and process, this paper provides teaching suggestions and board planning information. Serving as a case study of green management, this paper can be referenced by related industries and businesses to promote sustainable development, green transformation, and the realization of core values, ultimately creating a green impact and supporting ESG issues.

致謝 摘要 Abstract 目錄 表目錄 圖目錄 壹、個案本文 一、永續綠色品牌成就歐萊德的傳奇 (一)、改變命運之路 (二)、努力克服悲痛 尋找健康之路 (三)、面對重重困難,堅定信心再次出發 (四)、親情支持,綠色願景堅持不懈 (五)、從小學會團隊策略的成功兄妹 二、綠色品牌轉型之路滿布迷霧 (一)、綠色探索:學習為先,重塑企業文化 (二)、綠色臂章:共同推動革命情感 (三)、改變產業規則的 「8Free」理念 (四)、堅持品質不妥協:原料成本飆升 三、綠色永續創新計劃 (一)、相思樹種子引發了生物循環的改變 (二)、工業循環PCR再生瓶的催生 (三)、提出環保標準獲得聯合國肯定 四、品牌理念的信仰 (一)、品牌引領團隊塑造企業文化 (二)、綠色、永續、創新與窮 (三)、永恆的綠色挑戰之旅 貳、教學指引 一、個案總覽 二、教學目標與適用課程 三、學員的課前準備 四、學員的問題討論 五、個案背景 六、個案分析 七、教學目標 八、教學建議 九、板書規劃 參考文獻 中文文獻 英文文獻 網路資料 附錄 附錄1 個案公司授權同意書 附錄2 訪談逐字稿


1. Braungart, M., & McDonough, W. (2009). Cradle to cradle. Random House.

1. 歐萊德官方網站
2. 歐萊德 CSR企業責任報告書
3. It's O'right 電子刊
4. 臺灣搖籃到搖籃平台