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研究生: 蔣先慧
Hsien-Hui Chiang
論文名稱: 創造和諧健康安全運輸職場-以台塑貨運健康管理派車系統個案為例
Creating a harmonious healthy and safety transportation workplace – a case study of Formosa Plastics Transport Co.
指導教授: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
口試委員: 黃忠偉
Jong-Woei Whang
Chiung-Ju Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: 門禁健康管理派車系統組織承諾資源拼湊資源基礎學習型組織
外文關鍵詞: Door entrance Control and Health Management Vehicles System, Organizational Commitment, Resource Bricolage, Resource-Based, Learning Organization
相關次數: 點閱:336下載:0
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The case of Formosa Plastics Transport Co., based on business organization expansion and internal management cost pressures and employee workplace security considerations, promoted a series of innovations in IT technology to improve the company's fitness and started to introduce a new set of “Door entrance Control and Health Management Vehicles System”. Through the introduction of new information system to explore how the company's management team gradually establish a learning organization to carry out a series of business management issues through the reform of the decision-making evaluation and thinking mode ,when the business model must be changed, it will bring about changes in people's values and identity destroyed, when the organizational commitment can no longer be sustained as usual and shaken, how quickly the management team responded to the employee's loyalty and recognition of organizational reinvention. At the same time, the case explores the advantages of enterprise competition from the perspective of external competitive environment and internal resources patchwork and resource base. At the same time, we use the human-centered thinking model as the core value. Left-handed integration promotes new information systems, and right-hand competition enhances management performance. And to create a harmonious health and safety workplace, and provide medical consultation and medical assistance subsidies to promote the staff's attention to personal health management, to avoid the huge social costs caused by vehicle accidents, which is also a part of corporate social responsibility. The purpose of this case study is to provide a reference for the model of innovation in business operations through the combination of the development process, experience and theories of actual cases.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 壹、 個案本文 1 一、 序場 1 (一) 個案緣由 1 (二) 創新營運模式初萌芽 2 (三) 抗議反對浪潮席捲 3 (四) 溝通協調展現誠意 4 (五) 連續受挫遭遇瓶頸 5 (六) 創新營運模式正式誕生 6 (七) 創造和諧健康安全運輸職場 7 二、 公司背景概況 9 三、 門禁健康管理派車系統概述 12 (一) 獨特創新功能目標 12 (二) 血壓與酒測流程說明 17 (三) 車輛出廠流程說明 18 (四) 車輛入廠流程說明 18 四、 附件 19 (一) 物流定義 19 (二) 物流管理定義 19 (三) 現代物流型式 19 (四) 高血壓定義與分類 21 (五) 呼吸中止症(睡眠呼吸暫停) 23 貳、 個案討論 26 一、 個案總覽 26 二、 教學目標與適用課程 27 三、 學生課前討論問題 30 四、 個案背景 31 五、 個案分析 33 課程目標一:組織承諾的探討 34 課程目標二:資源拼湊理論的探討 39 課程目標三:資源基礎理論的探討 48 課程目標四:左右開弓的探討 53 六、 課程結論 55 七、 教學建議 56 八、 板書規劃 60 參、 參考文獻 63 一、 中文參考文獻 63 二、 英文參考文獻 64 三、 網站部分 65


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