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研究生: 莊榮峰
Rong-fung Chuang
論文名稱: 以合成法量測超臨界二氧化碳抗溶劑與溶劑混合物之汽液相邊界
Measurements of Vapor-Liquid Phase Boundaries for the Mixtures Containing Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Antisolvent and Solvent with Synthetic Method
指導教授: 李明哲
Ming-Jer Lee
Ho-mu Lin
口試委員: 彭定宇
Ding-yu Peng
Shan-hill Wong
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 高壓相行為共溶劑超臨界流體
外文關鍵詞: supercritical fluid, co-solvent, high-pressure phase behavior
相關次數: 點閱:375下載:2
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  • 本研究裝置為一套新的可變體積-附視窗暨影像處理系統的高壓相平衡分析裝置並採用合成法進行實驗系統測試,首先應用於H2O + 2-butoxyethanol,C4E1 (液液)與CO2 + 1-octanol(汽液)系統的相邊界觀測,結果顯示本實驗設備所量取的相邊界數據與文獻值相當吻合;繼而觀測抗溶劑二氧化碳與共溶劑DMSO與1,4-dioxane兩組雙成分系統的汽液平衡數據,且可準確地量測臨界點附近之相邊界,釜內容積最小約35 cm3 最大約60 cm3,平衡溫度介於313.15 K ~ 348.15 K,操作壓力1 MPa ~ 35 MPa。

    With synthetic method, a new high-pressure phase equilibrium analyzer (PEA) apparatus with a visual cell of variable volume ranging between 35 and 60 cm3 was set up in this study for determining the phase boundaries at condition up to near critical region. This apparatus was tested by measuring both the liquid-liquid (H2O + 2-butoxyethanol, C4E1) and the vapor-liquid (CO2 + 1-octanol) phase boundaries at elevated pressures. Good agreement between our experimental data and literature data was obtained. The apparatus was then used for observing the phase change of mixtures. The vapor-liquid equilibria (VLE) of carbon dioxide + dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and carbon dioxide + 1,4-dioxane at temperatures from 313.15 K to 348.15 K and pressures from 1 MPa to 35 MPa were measured.
    The experimental VLE data were correlated by the Soave-Redlich-Kwong, the Peng-Robinson and the Patel-Teja equations of state with the van der Waals one-fluid one-parameter mixing rule (MR-Q1) and the van der Waals one-fluid two-parameter mixing rule (MR-Q2). The binary interaction parameters were determined from the flash vaporization calculation based on the experimental data of the critical region.
    The results are of importance to our understanding of the formation of nano- particles by means of the supercritical anti-solvent process. The experimental data for the region near the critical point are needed for improving the equations of state.

    目 錄 頁數 英文摘要I 中文摘要II 誌謝III 目 錄IV 圖表目錄VI 第一章 緒論1 1-1 超臨界流體技術應用於奈米級微粒的製備4 1-2 超臨界抗溶劑與溶劑混合物之相平衡性質的測量方法10 1-3 抗溶劑-共溶劑混合物之相平衡數據的關聯與探討11 1-4 本文重點13 第二章 汽液相邊界量測15 2-1 實驗裝置15 2-2 實驗操作步驟23 2-3 藥品24 2-4 實驗結果與討論25 第三章 狀態方程式之汽液相邊界計算67 3-1 狀態方程式68 3-2 驟沸計算計算與模式參數訂定69 3-3 狀態方程式與混合律的適用性評比70 3-4 與文獻雙交互作用參數值計算結果比較94 第四章 結論與建議99 4-1 結論99 4-2 建議101 符號說明102 附錄A104 參考文獻105 作者簡介111

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