研究生: |
邱韻蓉 Yun-Rong Ciou |
論文名稱: |
應用平滑支撐向量迴歸與灰預測於台灣加權股價指數真實波動率之研究 An Application of Smooth Support Vector Regression and Grey Prediction on TAIEX Realized Volatility |
指導教授: |
Shang-wu Yu |
口試委員: |
Cheng-huang Hung 盧瑞山 Ruei-shan Lu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
管理學院 - 資訊管理系 Department of Information Management |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 86 |
中文關鍵詞: | GARCH 、灰色馬可夫 、灰預測傅立葉殘差修正 、GM(1,1) 、平滑支撐向量迴歸 、真實波動率 、隱含波動率 、選擇權 |
外文關鍵詞: | GARCH, Markov GM(1,1), GM(1,1), Smooth Support Vector Regression, Residual Correction Fourier GM(1,1), Realized Volatility, Implied Volatility, Option |
相關次數: | 點閱:1058 下載:7 |
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The volatility is a determinant in option pricing. Forecasting the volatility efficiently will help the investors to make the trading strategies and earn the excess return. In our research, we use time series and artificial intelligence to estimate the volatility of TAIEX, discussing the forecasting ability of artificial intelligence models. Furthermore, we apply the forecasting results into the option trading strategies.
The period of the sample selection is the TAIEX intraday return data from Jan 1, 2006 to Dec 31, 2007, discussing the forecasting ability of different sample frequencies and different volatility estimating models. And we applied the forecasting result in TXO trading strategy, evaluated the performance of the return. The empirical results are as follow:
1.In the point of accuracy of volatility forecasting model, the artificial intelligence forecasting model in 5 minute sampling frequency performed best. The rank of accuracy are as below: The grey prediction correction models, GM(1,1), SSVR model, GARCH(1,1), historical volatility model and the implied volatility model.
2.In the aspect of TXO trading strategy, the artificial intelligence forecasting models earn a magnificent return. The average of month return in SSVR is 32.12% and 19% in grey prediction models. We get the lowest average of month return, 1.59%, in GARCH(1,1).
3.Using the restrictive value of the volatility in trading strategies raised the return certainly. We found that the 0.08 as the restrictive value raised the highest return in every forecasting model and reduced the loss of long straddle during the period of slight variation of volatility.
4.In the viewing of different variation of volatility period, the average of month return in SSVR model is the best, 37.83%, in the dramatic variation of volatility period. And we get the best average of month return, 20.84%, in the Markov GM(1,1) in the slight variation of volatility period.
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