研究生: |
羅筱芸 Hsiao Yun Lo |
論文名稱: |
房地產代銷業客戶關係管理的數位轉型研究 —以A公司為例 Digital Transformation of CRM Implementation In Real Estate Marketing Industry– The Case Study of Company A |
指導教授: |
Jen-Wei Cheng |
口試委員: |
呂志豪 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
管理學院 - 企業管理系 Department of Business Administration |
論文出版年: | 2019 |
畢業學年度: | 107 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 56 |
中文關鍵詞: | 數位轉型 、變革領導特質 、變革抗拒 、企業創新 、組織變革 |
外文關鍵詞: | Digital transformation, Leadership quality, Resistance to change, Enterprise Innovation, Organizational change |
相關次數: | 點閱:461 下載:3 |
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網路資訊及智慧手機等新科技不僅進入個人的生活,其無遠弗屆、所向披靡的力道甚至改變了產業的運作,這當中,台灣房地產代銷業的行銷方式也無法置外於這波數位的衝擊。傳統代銷業的廣告行銷大多應用平面或電子媒體,如雜誌內頁、報紙內頁 (NP)、廣播 (RD)、新聞廣告等,但因傳統投資型購屋者減少的情況下,市場上的購屋族群轉為嫻熟3C產品的年輕首購族,潛在客群的特質改變,使得代銷業者的行銷也必須轉型,以數位E化的方式符應數位時代的環境脈絡與新的客戶需求。
New technologies such as Internet information and smart phones have not only entered personal life, but their invincible and invincible power has even changed the operation of the industry. Among them, the marketing method of Taiwan’s real estate agency industry cannot be excluded from this wave of digital Shock. Most of the advertising sales in the traditional agency industry use flat or electronic media, such as magazine pages, newspaper pages (NP), radio (RD), news advertisements, etc., but because of the reduction of traditional investment-type home buyers, the purchase of houses in the market The ethnic group turned into a young first-time family of skilled 3C products. The characteristics of potential customers changed, so that the marketing of the sales agents must also be transformed. The digital E-transformation should meet the environmental context of the digital era and new customer needs.
This study uses the Harvard case study approach to explore the case, the sales and marketing company A, the history and results of the digital transformation. The study first explains the background of the story, the reasons for the transformation, and then discusses the digital transformation, resists the change, and then analyzes the changes of Kotter's steps and the characteristics of the leaders, in order to analyze the measures and responses of the company's digital transformation. This study contains case content and instruction manuals. It is hoped that the case study will provide a reference for operators in the direction of digital transformation and business decision-making.
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