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研究生: 李笙源
Sheng-Yuan Li
論文名稱: 預鑄構件生產策略之最佳化模擬分析
Optimization and Simulation Analysis of Precast Components Production Strategies
指導教授: 楊亦東
I-Tung Yang
口試委員: 王維志
Wei-Chih Wang
Cathy C.W. Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 預鑄系統模擬ArenaOptQuest離散事件精實生產
外文關鍵詞: Discrete-event simulation, Arena, OptQuest
相關次數: 點閱:326下載:7
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本研究使用Arena 模擬軟體建構出可模擬專案性質預鑄構件生產流程的模型,並透過模擬最佳化工具OptQuest搜尋生產總成本最低之資源配置組合,執行模擬並分析該資源配置組合的規劃策略是否符合限制以及常理預期。經過不同情境案例的結果分析發現本研究建立的模型與最佳化模式會根據不同的情境給出最小化生產總成本的生產配置建議,且建議的生產策略符合預期的結果,例如:當出貨間隔縮短時,OptQuest搜尋結果建議配置更多的底床、模具與人力資源以滿足不延遲超過7天的限制,並維持生產步調略大於出貨期程的配置策略。

The domestic precast construction method has undergone significant technological advancements, making it a widely used and mature approach in architectural and civil engineering projects. It offers several advantages over traditional methods, including improved project duration, quality, and on-site environment. With rising labor costs, precast construction is expected to become more competitive due to its reduced reliance on manual labor. However, the inherent uncertainty in precast production poses challenges, especially in efficient planning and resource allocation for large or urgent orders. Relying solely on empirical rules in production planning can lead to increased costs and resource wastage, hindering industry development.
This research aims to establish an effective model to simulate the current status and processes of precast component production. The model incorporates uncertainties related to storage space and production processes, enabling precast manufacturers to optimize resource allocation and costs during production planning. The objective is to provide an optimized production plan based on objective criteria within a limited timeframe.
The study utilizes Arena simulation software to construct a model that simulates the production process of project-specific precast components. The OptQuest simulation optimization tool is employed to find the most efficient resource allocation combination that minimizes total production costs. The simulation results are analyzed to assess whether the recommended resource allocation strategies align with specified constraints and expectations.
The analysis of various scenarios demonstrates that the developed model and optimization approach provide production configuration recommendations that minimize overall production costs. The suggested strategies consistently align with expected outcomes. For example, when the shipment interval is shortened, the OptQuest search results recommend allocating additional resources such as foundation beds, molds, and labor to avoid delays exceeding seven days. Furthermore, the suggested production plan maintains a slightly accelerated production pace ahead of the shipping schedule.

摘要 II ABSTRACT III 目錄 VI 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 X 1 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究方法與流程 2 2 第二章 文獻回顧 4 2.1 預鑄工法 4 2.1.1 國內預鑄工法發展歷程 4 2.1.2 國內預鑄工法發展現況與瓶頸 5 2.2 預鑄廠生產規劃與精實管理 8 2.2.1 預鑄結構設計 8 2.2.2 預鑄廠生產規劃 8 2.2.3 預鑄構件生產製造流程 11 2.2.4 預鑄構件的堆存儲運 12 2.2.5 精實生產應用於預鑄廠生產管理 12 2.3 電腦模擬技術應用於營建產業 14 2.4 小結 15 3 第三章 研究模式與模型建立 17 3.1 研究範圍與對象 17 3.2 問題詳述 17 3.3 研究條件與限制 18 3.3.1 訂單內容 18 3.3.2 生產現況模擬 19 3.3.3 堆存出貨條件 20 3.4 符號定義與目標函數 21 3.5 模型建立 23 3.5.1 生產流程 23 3.5.2 模型參數 33 3.6 模型驗證 37 3.7 模擬最佳化 43 4 第四章 執行模擬及模擬結果分析 46 4.1 模擬結果分析 46 4.2 情境案例分析 53 4.2.1 情境案例一 53 4.2.2 情境案例二 57 4.2.3 情境案例三 60 4.3 小結 63 5 第五章 結論與建議 65 5.1 結論 65 5.2 建議 66 參考文獻 67

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