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研究生: 廖志堅
Jhih-Jian Liao
論文名稱: 針對大容量固態硬碟的多控制器架構設計
A Multi-controller Design for Huge-capacity Solid-State Drives
指導教授: 吳晋賢
Chin-Hsien Wu
口試委員: 阮聖彰
S. J. Ruan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 58
中文關鍵詞: NAND型快閃記憶體固態硬碟控制器
外文關鍵詞: NAND flash memory, Solid-State Drives (SSD), Controller
相關次數: 點閱:395下載:0
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NAND flash-memory capacity has increased rapidly, and a huge-capacity solid-state drive (SSD) has become popular in the market. SSD consists of controllers and NAND flash-memory chips, and each chip is controlled by one controller. At present, each controller is responsible for a fixed number of chips and it can't control other chips that don't belong to it. Since each controller can only access a chip at a time, some idle controller can't access some chips that don't belong to it. As a result, it will reduce the system performance. In this paper, we will propose a multi-controller design for huge-capacity solid-state drives. Any chip will not be restricted to any specific controller and any idle controller can access any chip by the multi-controller design. We design a switch between buses, and each switch can help access requests from one controller to one chip. The number of switches used in each access request should be minimized and considered in the paper. The experimental results show that the proposed method can improve the system throughput of 25%, compared with traditional SSDs, and the incurred overhead is also reasonable.

中文摘要----------------------------------------III Abstract-----------------------------------------IV 圖目錄------------------------------------------VII 表目錄-------------------------------------------IX 第一章 前言---------------------------------------1 第二章 動機---------------------------------------3 第三章 快閃記憶體的特性與相關研究-----------------4 3.1 NAND型快閃記憶體與控制器的特性----------------4 3.2 快閃記憶體轉換層------------------------------6 3.3 固態硬碟--------------------------------------7 第四章 針對大容量固態硬碟的多控制器架構設計------10 4.1 概述-----------------------------------------10 4.2多控制器的機制--------------------------------12 4.3 用加權機制在最短路徑的設計-------------------14 4.3.1 加權矩陣-----------------------------------15 4.3.2 加權矩陣的開銷-----------------------------18 4.4多請求的路徑規劃------------------------------20 4.4.1 單方向最短路徑-----------------------------20 4.4.2 多方向最短路徑-----------------------------22 4.5 高性能的問題---------------------------------25 4.5.1 消除多餘的路徑-----------------------------25 4.5.2 消除重疊的路徑-----------------------------27 4.5.3 從屬控制器的分配---------------------------29 4.5.4 節省控制器的功率消耗-----------------------30 第五章 性能評估----------------------------------32 5.1 硬體說明-------------------------------------32 5.2 實驗的設定-----------------------------------33 5.3 UFAT檔案系統---------------------------------35 5.4 ATTO Disk Benchmark--------------------------35 5.5 實際的工作負荷-------------------------------38 5.5.1 無效路徑的開銷-----------------------------39 5.5.2 交換器的開銷-------------------------------40 5.5.3 控制器的閒置時間比例與吞吐量---------------41 5.6 Iometer--------------------------------------43 第六章 結論--------------------------------------45 參考文獻-----------------------------------------46 作者簡介-----------------------------------------48 授權書-------------------------------------------49

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