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研究生: Achmad Kripton Nugraha
Achmad Kripton Nugraha
論文名稱: 用於電子音樂的自動歌曲選擇
Automatic Song Selection for Electronic Dance Music
指導教授: 鄭瑞光
Ray-Guang Cheng
口試委員: 黃琴雅
Chin-Ya Huang
Shiann-Tsong Sheu
Chen-Kuo Chiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 40
中文關鍵詞: 電子音樂自動選歌自動化
外文關鍵詞: Electronic dance music, Automatic song selection, Automatically
相關次數: 點閱:305下載:4
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  • 電子舞曲(EDM)是一種主要由電子樂器組成的流派,旨在推動舞蹈衝動。唱片騎士(DJ)是EDM歌曲中的關鍵角色之一,他們以選擇合適的EDM歌曲的能力而聞名。 DJ可以透過歌曲能量強度變化、相對的調性和類似的風格的歌曲來保持跳舞的氣氛。然而,由於需要知識和經驗,執行這樣的任務是非常具有挑戰性的。僱用一個DJ一般來說是很昂貴的,尤其是從長遠來看。作為人類,DJ的工作時間也是有限的,因為他們不能連續工作而不休息。隨著神經網絡和音樂分類的最新進展,我們可以開發一種每個人都可以輕鬆使用的自動選歌。我們提出了一種自動選歌的方法,根據能量強度的逐漸變化、相對的調性和相似的歌曲來選擇EDM歌曲。根據台灣15位專業DJ對400首EDM歌曲的評價,所提出的系統所選擇的歌曲被證實能夠滿足聽眾的要求,以平均意見分數(MOS)作為衡量標準。

    Electronic Dance Music (EDM) is a genre mainly composed of electronic instruments designed to drive dancing urges. A disc jockey (DJ), one of the critical actors in the EDM song, is known for their ability to choose suitable EDM songs. DJs can maintain a dancing atmosphere by choosing the song with good energy level change, similar keys, and similar style. However, performing such tasks is very challenging due to the knowledge and experience needed. Hiring a DJ generally is expensive, especially in the long run. As humans, DJs also have limited work hours as they cannot work continuously without taking a break. With the recent advancement in neural network and music classification, we can develop an automatic song selection that everyone can use easily. We propose an automatic song selection by selecting an EDM song according to the gradual change of energy level, similar key, and similar song. Based on evaluations from 15 professional DJs in Taiwan using 400 EDM songs, the selected song from the proposed system were confirmed to be able to satisfy the audience, with mean opinion score (MOS) as the metric.

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