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研究生: 孫日輝
Jih-Hui Sun
論文名稱: 孫日輝-殯葬業管理之案例研究
A research on different case studies of Funeral service industry
指導教授: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
口試委員: 陳正綱
Cheng-Kang Chen
Hong-Wen Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 50
中文關鍵詞: 殯葬業殯葬業管理台灣殯葬產業
外文關鍵詞: Funeral service industry
相關次數: 點閱:138下載:11
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  • 本研究主要以殯葬業演變之下針對不同市場或制度下產生的其中四個代表公司做訪談與研究分析,分成五個章節探討,分別為緒論、文獻探討、研究方法、研究結果與分析、最後為結論。
    1. 發展成大公司之企業會在頂尖大學找尋管理人才而禮儀師為自行訓練,並前往中國大陸或華人世界發展,部分大型企業持續開發業務通路並將既有舊客戶聯繫再創銷售契機,並與同業塔墓或禮儀業者開發以增大產能。
    2. 承包醫院之大型禮儀公司持續努力耕耘醫院市場外,也開始往長照及社區發展,並成立帶看塔位公司及銷售公司。
    3. 傳統葬儀因有相當之歷史專業背景,因此會朝向高利潤之傳統葬儀市場深耕,目前有意願朝向聯合發展一套架構以對抗大公司之競爭。

    This study mainly conducts interviews and research analysis on four representative companies of the funeral industry since the government began to encourage people to cremate instead of be buried due to the rapidly growing population after World War II.
    In the early agriculture society, the Taiwanese lived close and were very tight with the local community. Without any service industries, everything had to be done them-selves with help from the community, including weddings and funerals. In the commer-cial society today, people have become more far apart, the lack of help and support from others has contributed to the development of professional companies. The writer has been in the funeral services industry for many years, and noticing the lack of studies on funeral industry management, started this research.
    This study categorizes the industry into four groups, comprehensive direct manage-ment and comprehensive indirect management, large etiquette, and traditional etiquette companies. To understand the evolution of the four types of companies formed, this re-search has done market development priorities, management methods, organizational forms, SWOT analysis and Interviews on the views of the future funeral market.
    In the conclusion, this study predicts that the future funerary industry could develop in three different aspects:
    1. Those companies with gained resources will hire more management talent from the top universities to train morticians for the company, and by targeting the whole Chinese world, including Mainland China, can develop more new customer connections through their former customers. They could also partner with columbarium and grave yards.
    2. Those companies with partnerships with hospitals should maintain these connec-tions, and reach out to nursery homes and local communities with provide pre-selecting tombs and direct selling-buying services.
    3. Due to the history and expertise of the Taiwan funerary industry, smaller companies will turn to the high-profit traditional mortician market. By teaming up, they can compete against other big companies in the industry.

    指導教授推薦書 論文審定書 摘要 Abstract 誌謝 壹、 緒論 一、 研究背景 二、 研究動機 三、 研究目的 四、 研究流程 五、 研究限制 貳、 文獻探討 一、 殯葬產業概述 二、 產業管理 三、 殯葬產業流程與名詞介紹 四、 台灣殯葬現況 五、 環保自然葬 六、 墓園塔位開發流程 七、 台灣人口結構 參、 研究方法 一、 研究設計 二、 訪談對象及範圍: 三、 研究問題 肆、 研究結果與分析 一、 個案A公司介紹 二、 個案B公司介紹 三、 個案C公司介紹 四、 個案D公司介紹 五、 SWOT分析 六、 商業模式分析(九宮格) 伍、 結論與建議 一、 殯葬業經營模式概況呈現 二、 殯葬業經營管理模式分析 三、 殯葬業未來發展方向 參考文獻

    Weihrich Heinz(1982), The TOWS Matrix-A Tool for Situational Analysis.
    Osterwalder, Alexander, Yves Pigneur, and Christopher L. Tucci.(2005)"Clarifying business models: Origins, present, and future of the concept." Communications of the association for Information Systems 16.
    E. Jerome McCarthy(1960), Basic Marketing: A Managerial Approach.
    全國法規資料庫 ,https://law.moj.gov.tw/