Author: |
蔡妙鑫 Miao-Hsin Tsai |
Thesis Title: |
不抽佣金如何讓銀行獲利成長-以玉山銀行財富管理業務為例 The Implication of No Service Charge on Profitability-Case Study on Wealth Management of E.SUN Bank |
Advisor: |
Chun-Nan Chen |
Committee: |
Jen-Wei Cheng 謝劍平 Chien-Ping Hsieh 林軒竹 Hsuan-Chu Lin |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 財務金融研究所 Graduate Institute of Finance |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2020 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 108 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 65 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 薪酬理論 、企業文化 、服務品質 、PEST模型 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Salary Theory, Corporate Culture, Service Quality, PEST Model |
Reference times: | Clicks: 1281 Downloads: 0 |
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This case study discusses how E Sun Bank’s wealth management, as the smallest and newest department, has continued to hit record high in fee income and repeatedly won awards in major wealth management evaluations, creating records and performances that impresses the industry. Teamwork, rooted in corporate culture, is not only the key to E.Sun’s competitiveness, but also lead E.Sun wealth management to a unique compensation system which is different from the industry─no commission mechanism. Even a small soldier could make great contribution and this mechanism has become an importance source of the bank’s profit.
Through the case study, students can discuss how corporate culture deeply internalized into the hearts of employees and then become a key force to drive the momentum of enterprise growth. The rise of E Sun Bank observes people’s demand for wealth management from the bank. In PEST analysis, we can observe the current environment and challenges faced by wealth management. And it is worthy for student to have further discussion of whether E Sun Bank can stick to its corporate culture and core value to support its continuous growth and operational sustainability.
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