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研究生: 陳俐夙
Li-Su Chen
論文名稱: HDRI的特性對虛擬物體照明的影響
The influences of HDRI on the lighting of 3D virtual objects
指導教授: 施宣光
Shen-Guan Shih
口試委員: 梁容輝
Rung-Huei Liang
Chuan-Kai Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 曝光值高動態範圍影像燈光貼圖基本影像照明Open EXRRGBE
外文關鍵詞: EV, HDRI, lighting maps, IBL, Open EXR, RGBE
相關次數: 點閱:246下載:0
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HDRI (或者HDR) 即High dynamic rage image (高動態範圍影像的縮寫)。HDRI是在相同的場景中結合幾張不同曝光值(EV)的影像,以捕捉真實環境光源為目標,把所有的景物之明暗細節都能記錄在一張影像資訊當中。



High dynamic range image (HDRI or HDR) is a set of techniques that integrates images with different Exposure Value (EV) to represent the same scene. The intention of HDRI is to capture the lighting in real scenes, as a consequence of which HDRI is able to record all the details of the real scene in one image information, such as light and darkness.

Moreover, HDRI has been applied to 3D scene to function as lighting maps. HDRI is able to produce the reflection of materials and refraction of background. Therefore, HDRI enables virtual models to be analogous with the illumination data of the real scenes. In other words, one HDRI image can nearly represent real lighting effect on virtual models. The aim of this study is to investigate the differences between the lighting effects represented by several images with different Exposure Value (EV) and the lighting effects represented by HDRI image on virtual model.

The finding of this study indicates that the chiaroscuro of virtual lighting objects is influenced by the quality of 3D mapped lighting image while HDRI is functioning as mapped lighting effects on 3D scene.

摘 要 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Abstract ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II 謝 誌 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III 目 錄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI 圖 目 錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV 1 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1.2 研究目的 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 1.3 研究方法 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 2 文獻探討 2.1 HDRI定義 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 2.2 HDRI發展 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 2.3 HDRI的紀錄與顯示 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 2.4 HDRI的檔案格式 -------------------------------------------------------------------------13 2.4.1 Open EXR檔案格式 -----------------------------------------------------------------13 2.4.2 Radiance RGBE檔案格式 ----------------------------------------------------------14 2.4.3 Float Tiff檔案格式 -------------------------------------------------------------------15 2.5 3D中的燈光照明技術- IBL(Image-Based Lighting) ------------------------------16 2.6 HDRI在3D應用的製作流程 -----------------------------------------------------------19 2.6.1 相機拍攝 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 2.6.2 HDRI影像合成 -----------------------------------------------------------------------21 2.6.3 在3D中做IBL的燈光資訊 ---------------------------------------------------------24 3 HDRI實作與比較分析 3.1 HDRI製作軟體工具 ---------------------------------------------------------------------26 3.2 HDRI實作過程與研究方法 ------------------------------------------------------------26 3.2.1 HDRI實作過程 -----------------------------------------------------------------------27 3.2.2 設計研究方法 ------------------------------------------------------------------------29 3.3 HDRI影像合成軟體比較 ---------------------------------------------------------------32 3.4 影像圖檔應用於3D的比較 ------------------------------------------------------------37 3.4.1 .hdr 與 .exr 檔案比較 ---------------------------------------------------------------37 3.4.2 IBL(.hdr) 與Software做IBL算圖比較 --------------------------------------------38 3.4.3 .hdr (32bit) 與 .jpg (8bit) 做IBL算圖比較 --------------------------------------42 3.4.4 三張.jpg (8bit) 不同曝光值與.hdr(32bit),各做IBL算圖比較-------------44 3.4.5 合成HDRI 和 使用.hdr檔做IBL算圖比較 -------------------------------------49 3.4.6 後製合成- Software合成 與 IBL合成 -------------------------------------------51 3.4.7 在IBL中用不同HDRI照明貼圖做虛擬模型照明效果----------------------53 4 研究結論與建議 4.1 結論 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------54 4.2 後續探討與實做分析的建議 ---------------------------------------------------------57 參考文獻 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------58

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