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研究生: 林家儀
Chia-Yi Lin
論文名稱: 探究國中生數學學習概念、數學學習堅毅性與數學學習成效之關聯性
Conceptions, Hardiness and Achievement of Learning Mathematics among Junior High School Students
指導教授: 梁至中
Jyh-Chong Liang
Chin-Chung Tsai
口試委員: 邱國力
Guo-Li Chiou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 數位學習與教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 59
中文關鍵詞: 數學學習數學學習概念數學學習堅毅性數學學習成效
外文關鍵詞: Learning Mathematics, Conceptions of Learning Mathematics, Hardiness of Learning Mathematics, Achievement of Learning Mathematics
相關次數: 點閱:798下載:3
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This study highlights the importance of Taiwanese junior high school students’ conceptions of learning Mathematics. Two questionnaires, “Conceptions of Learning Mathematics” (COLM) , “Hardiness of Learning Mathematics” (HOLM), and students' Achievement of Learning Mathematics (AOLM) were used in this study. The participants in this study included 422 junior high students (212 males and 210 females). The students’ views on learning Mathematics were investigated in depth by interviewing 25 students (12 males and 13 females). Three goals were included in this study. Firstly, students’ conceptions of learning Mathematics were divided into lower, middle and high levels. Secondly, the relationships between COLM, HOLM, and AOLM were explored using structural equation modeling (SEM). Finally, the gender differences in the Learning Mathematics Model were examined.
After comparing the competing second-order Confirmatory Factor Analysis models, goodness-of-fit indices were used to divide the students’ conceptions of learning Mathematics into lower, middle and higher levels. The results showed that the lower-level conceptions included “Memorizing” and “Testing” . The middle-level conceptions included “Calculating and Practicing” , “Increasing of Knowledge” and “Understanding” , while the higher-level conceptions included “Applying” , “Ways of Thinking” and “Seeing in a New Way.”
As a result, in general, the SEM analysis showed that students who tended to use lower-level conceptions had lower scores in HOLM than others did. The students with lower scores in HOLM usually quit and stop learning more easily when they face the difficulties of learning Mathematics, and then their AOLM become worse. Moreover, it was found that the students who tended to use middle-level conceptions worked hard on learning Mathematics. They seemed to keep working hard, and tried to practice more and understand the meaning of Mathematics problems, even though they faced more difficult Mathematics problems. In addition, the results showed that these students may feel less learning pressure and then show less learning ambition, so they get lower grades in Mathematics. The students who tended to use higher-level conceptions seemed to like to learn by relating their prior knowledge and seeing things from different perspectives. They also showed a willingness to accept challenges of difficult math problems. They seemed to be able to control the fundamental principles of Math which can be applied to different Mathematics problems. As a result, they can get high grades in Mathematics.
Through the Learning Mathematics Model of Taiwanese junior high school students, some gender differences were found. It was found that female students got lower grades when they tended to use lower-level conceptions. Male students who tended to use higher-level conceptions were more willing to ask others for help to solve learning problems, and then had better performance in Mathematics. Differing from previous studies, this study found that female students who tended to use higher-level conceptions had lower achievement in Mathematics. They thought there were not many correlations between learning Mathematics and their life.
This study provides some views and opinions on junior high students’ learning of Math. The results could be useful for helping know more about learning Mathematics. Teachers may teach students how to use both middle- and higher-level conceptions to learn Mathematics. They may also try to realize the real problems of students’ learning Mathematics, and then provide proper scaffolding for students. Teachers should seriously face the problems of the low correlations between learning Mathematics and life.

目錄 I 圖目錄 II 表目錄 III 第一章 緒論.............................................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機...............................................1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題...........................................3 第三節 名詞釋義.....................................................4 第二章 文獻探討.........................................................5 第一節 數學學習概念.................................................5 第二節 數學學習堅毅性...............................................9 第三章 研究方法........................................................11 第一節 研究架構....................................................12 第二節 研究流程....................................................14 第三節 研究對象....................................................17 第四節 研究工具....................................................18 第五節 資料收集與分析..............................................22 第四章 研究結果與討論..................................................23 第一節 驗證性因素分析與討論........................................23 第二節 數學學習概念競爭模式與討論..................................28 第三節 描述性統計分析..............................................32 第四節 數學學學習模型與討論........................................34 第五節 不同性別之數學學習模型與討論................................38 第五章 結論與建議......................................................47 參考文獻...............................................................49 附錄A 數學學習概念問卷................................................53 附錄B 數學學習堅毅性問卷..............................................57 附錄C 數學學習質性訪談問題............................................59

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