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研究生: 王順德
Shun-Te Wang
論文名稱: 應用於無線感測網路之簡易屬性定址法以及基於訊息內容的網路協定設計
Simple Attribute-Based Addressing and Content-Based Networking Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks
指導教授: 陳金蓮
Jean-Lien C. Wu
口試委員: 許獻聰
Shiann-Tsong Sheu
Ming-Feng Chang
Yao-Nan Lien
Huei-Wen Ferng
Wanjiun Liao
Ray-Guang Cheng
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 114
中文關鍵詞: 全球衛星定位系統廣播資訊散播封包轉送無線感測網路內容定址屬性定址服務資訊散佈資源找尋大型且稠密網路資料功能導向
外文關鍵詞: information dissemination, global positioning system (GPS), broadcast, packet forwarding, wireless sensor network, content-based networking, attribute-based addressing, service advertisement, resource discovery, large and dense network, data-centric
相關次數: 點閱:557下載:2
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  • 近年來由於微型製造技術、通訊技術的進步以及電池技術的改進,使得具有輕巧、自主特性的感測節點 (sensor node) 技術逐漸成熟。無線感測節點具有感應、無線通訊與處理資訊的能力,可自行組成無線感測網路 (wireless sensor networks) 以監測並蒐集各種環境資訊,並可實際應用在醫療、工安、土木或軍事等等用途之上。感測節點不但能夠感應及偵測目標環境及其變動,並且可以再進一步處理收集到的數據,然後將處理過的資料以無線傳輸的方式送到資料收集中心 (sink) 或基地台。為了實現未來多樣性的前瞻應用,無線感測網路的發展關鍵在於如何針對不同的應用領域提出較完整通用的軟硬體解決方案,以使得無線感測網路能更迅速的成長。
    本論文首先以資料功能導向 (data-centric) 的概念提出簡易屬性定址暨衛星定位輔助式路由 (SABAGAR) 協定。設計時的主要考量是必須容易實作,以吸引更多對感測網路技術有興趣的廠商加入相關產品之研發與應用。由於感測網路中可能有大量的感測節點,或者資料的位置並不確定,因此節點的定址使用全域識別號碼 (global identification) 並不恰當。當希望取得偵測資料時,無線感測網路可能使用屬性定址 (attribute-based addressing) 以及對網路廣播的方式通訊,但使用廣播的方式通訊常會造成網路頻寬無謂的浪費。為解決此問題,本論文同時提出一種以位置向量為基礎的演算法供 SABAGAR 協定使用,吾人以模擬方式加以驗證。
    另外,目前常見的網路模擬器雖然適用於一般無線網路的模擬,但對於使用屬性定址感測網路的模擬方面,程式寫作上並不方便。我們採用了一種離散事件模擬程式庫,稱為 simjava,並加以擴充功能,以讓屬性定址感測網路的模擬方面能夠容易一點。本論文亦將探討其設計架構。
    從應用的觀點來看,感測裝置可以整合在各種行動節點設備上,以提供人類便利的生活。從技術上看,無線感測網路需透過多重跳躍 (multi-hop) 代傳機制的方式來傳送資料。在一般情況下,無線感測網路中每個感測節點所偵測到的資訊都會先傳至控制中心,再由控制中心做統一的處理。但有緊急事件需立即處理時,將通報訊息處理完畢後,這樣的路由就顯得相當的迂迴且不具時效。因此,無線感測網路中存在許多資訊以及服務,在要求服務之前,必須知道服務提供者的位址,資源找尋是獲得服務的首要步驟,當然服務的提供者也必須廣播其存在的資訊。在大型網路且節點稠密的網路型態下,大量廣播訊息不僅浪費網路頻寬,而且會導致節點額外電源消耗。因此,資源找尋機制之設計必須在效能, 如命中率 (hit rate) 與耗費 (如訊息量) 間取得平衡。
    本論文提出簡單資源散播及找尋協定 (SRAD),用於大型網路且節點稠密之無線感測網路。協定採用分散式架構,利用對等式快取資源以及策略式選擇轉送的資源尋找方式,來達到降低廣播訊息量,並可以保有一定的命中率。此外本論文亦提出一套資源管理方法,用於分散感測節點之間的儲存負荷並用以決定相關重要參數。由模擬結果顯示,相較於傳統使用洪氾法 (flooding) 做資訊找尋,本論文所提出的方法可以大量降低訊息傳送量,並快速找到資源所在處,同時維持一定的命中率。

    Wireless sensor networks are typical wireless ad-hoc networks that consist of a large number of sensor nodes randomly deployed in an area of interest. With the recent advances in integrated circuit, digital signal processing, packet radio, wireless communications and other emerging technologies, their convergence makes it possible to construct wireless sensor networks. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the architecture and protocols used in wireless sensor networks for the need of various wireless sensing tasks in the near future.
    We first propose in this dissertation a data-centric routing protocol for wireless sensor network applications. This protocol, called simple attribute-based addressing and GPS-aided routing (SABAGAR), is designed to be implemented easily to provide the basis for commercially successful products. Sensor nodes may have no global identifications because the number of sensors can be large, hence, attribute-based addressing and broadcast communication paradigm can be used to facilitate data acquisition. However, broadcasting simply by flooding usually results in serious redundancy and endlessly looping packets, and thus degrades the network performance. To deal with this problem, we present a position-vector-based (PVB) algorithm for the SABAGAR protocol. And then, this dissertation provides detailed simulation results to support the proposed protocol design.
    Some event-driven network simulators, e.g., ns-2, are useful for wireless network simulations. However, it is not easy to use them to model a sensor network with attribute-based addressing and data-centric routing. In order to evaluate the SABAGAR protocol for data-centric sensor network, we have developed a simulator by extending the functionality of simjava which is a process-based discrete event simulation API library for Java, with animation facilities.
    From the application's point of view, advertisement and discovery of named resources or services are expected to be crucial features for sensor network applications. To assure service availability, a mechanism for simple service advertisement and discovery must be available in sensor networks. Hence, a content-based service positioning protocol must be designed and tuned to fit well with the underlying routing protocol. In large and dense sensor network environments, a large number of resource discovery queries may be generated when specific resources or services are needed. In order to effectively utilize the limited bandwidth of the networks, and save power energy of sensor nodes, the design for resource discovery protocols should take both the operational cost and the network performance into account.
    In this dissertation, we also propose a simple resource advertisement and discovery (SRAD) protocol for wireless sensor networks. The SRAD protocol self-organizes a proximity network and works in a fully distributed architecture without centralized control and management to prevent performance bottleneck. In addition, a resource description and management scheme is also devised to share loads among mobile nodes. The simulation results show that the SRAD protocol can achieve the same level of performance as in the broadcast-based protocols while generating fewer transmitted messages in large and dense wireless sensor networks.

    Abstract in Chinese I Abstract in English III Acknowledgements V Contents VI List of Figures VIII List of Tables IX Chapter 1 Introduction 1 11 Wireless Sensor Networks 2 12 Practical Applications 4 121 Smart Environment 4 122 Area Monitoring 5 123 Sensor Web 6 13 Motivation 6 14 Dissertation Structure 8 Chapter 2 Background 9 21 Conventional Addressing and Routing Techniques 10 22 New Trends in Addressing and Routing 11 23 Sensor Node Architecture 12 24 Sensor Network Localization and Node Positioning 13 25 Related Work of Sensor Network Routing 14 26 Resource Advertisement and Discovery in P2P Networks 16 Chapter 3 Simple Attribute-Based Addressing and GPS-Aided Routing Protocol 18 31 Introduction 18 311 Routing and Information Dissemination 20 312 Problems in Attribute-Based Addressing and Data-Centric Routing 21 32 Characteristics of the Sensor Node and the Sensor Network 21 321 The Organization of the Sensor Node 22 322 The Features of the Sensor Node and the Sensor Network 23 33 The SABAGAR Protocol 24 331 The SABAGAR Protocol Design 24 332 The Position-Vector-Based (PVB) Algorithm 26 34 Simulation Study 32 341 Simulation Model 32 342 Simulation Results 34 35 Summary 36 Chapter 4 Network Simulator Design for Attribute-Based Addressing and Routing 38 41 Introduction 38 42 Framework of the Network Simulator 39 43 Design and Implementation 41 44 Summary 43 Chapter 5 Simple Resource Advertisement and Discovery in Large and Dense WSNs 44 51 Introduction 45 511 Definition of a Large and Dense Network 46 512 Issues on Resource Advertisement and Discovery 46 52 The SRAD Protocol 48 521 Concepts of SRAD Protocol Design 49 522 Resource Description and Management Scheme 49 523 Resource Advertisement and Discovery 51 53 Simulation Study 58 531 Simulation Metrics 58 532 Simulation Results 59 54 Analytical Model 64 541 Availability Analysis 64 542 Reliability Analysis 66 55 Summary 71 Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work 73 61 Summary of Contributions 74 62 Future Work 77 621 Exploring the Coverage of an Event in a Sensor Field 77 622 Reconfigurable Sensor Networks Using Software-Defined Radio 81 623 Power Saving Schemes for Sink Nodes 84 References 90 Biography 99 Publication List 100 Letter of Authority 103

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