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Author: 廖建銘
Chien-Ming Liao
Thesis Title: 一個適用於群眾外包平台的工作者信譽評分機制
A Worker Reputation Mechanism for Crowdsourcing Platform
Advisor: 羅乃維
Nai-Wei Lo
Committee: 楊傳凱
Chuan-Kai Yang
Bor-Shen Lin
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2018
Graduation Academic Year: 106
Language: 中文
Pages: 46
Keywords (in Chinese): 群眾外包信譽模型系統模擬
Keywords (in other languages): crowdsourcing, reputation model, system simulation
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  • 隨著時代的改變,企業為了因應變化、追求創新,從人事管理、系統開發、設計文案等,皆需要有相關知識背景的人一同參與協助,才能改善現況,不停於現況。為此,企業需透過人力銀行等平台,來尋找適合的求職者。但有些短期的工作任務,需要特殊領域的人力協助完成,不大可能為了每項短期任務,而雇用正式員工,長期下來浪費大量的人事成本,因此會透過群眾外包(Crowdsourcing)的方式,將任務分派給第三方的個人或組織,協助完成任務,進而節省成本。

    Along with the change in times, the entrepreneur need more the talent join the organization to conquer changes and pursue innovation. The enterprises find suitable candidates through employment agency platforms. However, some short-term tasks require special manpower to assist in the completion. It is unlikely that regular staff will be hired for each short-term task and a large amount of personnel costs will be wasted over a long period of time. Therefore, the task will be carried out through crowdsourcing. Assign to third parties individuals or organizations to help accomplish the task, thereby saving costs.
    However, by way of Crowdsourcing, can requesters find workers who do job well? In order to solve this problem, this dissertation proposes a set of system model of "A Worker Reputation Mechanism for Crowdsourcing Platform" through analysis and research and system simulation, so as to reduce the probability of finding the wrong person, Crowdsourcing platform helps enterprises and individuals to accomplish their tasks more efficiently.
    In this study, the literatures about mass outsourcing and reputation mechanism were collected and analyzed. With reference to several practical outsourcing platforms, a simulation experiment was designed. Using the reputation mechanism proposed in this paper, each worker Reputation score, and based on the results of simulation experiments, reputation mechanism can bring benefits to the crowd outsourcing platform under the consideration of different roles.

    摘 要 I Abstract II 誌 謝 III 目 錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究動機與目標 6 1.3章節介紹 8 第二章 文獻探討 9 第三章 群眾外包平台的工作者信譽評分機制設計 15 3.1前提假設 15 3.2設計概念 16 3.3符號定義 19 3.4信譽評分機制 20 3.4.1 工作者近期可靠度 20 3.4.2 工作者的工作分數 21 3.4.3 工作者信譽分數計算 22 第四章 分析與討論 24 4.1實驗設計 24 4.2實驗方式 30 4.3實驗結果分析 32 4.3.1平台利益最大化之分析 33 4.3.2發包者利益最大化之分析 35 4.3.3 平台與發包者整體利益考量之分析 37 4.3.4 無信譽機制之分析 39 第五章 結論與未來展望 40 參考文獻 42

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