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研究生: 劉醇曜
Chun-Yao Liu
論文名稱: 應用可調適視訊編碼及背光控制達成智慧型手機上高效節能的串流服務
Energy Efficient Streaming for Smartphone by Video Adaptation and Backlight Control
指導教授: 呂政修
Jenq-Shiou Leu
口試委員: 孫敏德
Min-Te Sun
Hsing-Lung Chen
Wei-Kuan Shih
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 41
中文關鍵詞: 手機節能串流SVC影像編碼螢幕背光調適網路訊號強度預測直方圖均化
外文關鍵詞: energy efficient, streaming, Signal Strength Prediction, backlight control, Histogram equalization, SVC coding
相關次數: 點閱:513下載:1
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With the rapid evolution of smartphone, the issue of prolonging the battery’s life time has become a major challenge. As the network service becomes popular, the demand of streaming also grows. Many researchers have already proposed works about energy efficient streaming methods through different aspects such as bandwidth control, packet scheduling etc. Those works usually focus on reducing the energy consumption of CPU and wireless network. However, the screen also drains lots of energy, and thus the energy consumption of screen indeed needs to be considered if we want to further extend the battery’s life. In this paper, we proposed an energy efficient streaming system which combined the SVC coding and backlight control mechanism. We used Non-parametric Signal Prediction method to forecast the network condition and then adjust the encoder’s parameters to fit capable network bandwidth. For backlight control, we applied Histogram Equalization to compensate the loss of Image’s contrast owing to reducing the backlight. Experiment results demonstrate that our streaming system can save energy consumption, especially when the user is making a live streaming.

論文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖片索引 V 表格索引 VI 第 1 章 緒論 1 第 2 章 研究背景 4 2.1 網路環境預測議題相關研究 4 2.2 串流節能議題相關研究 6 2.3 螢幕節能議題相關研究 11 2.4 智慧型手機耗能分析與電源模型 12 第 3 章 基於網路環境預測的SVC影像編碼 14 3.1 資料平滑處理 14 3.2 預測網路訊號強度 16 3.3 選擇預測方法與計算預測頻率Tinterval 18 3.4 SVC影像編碼 20 第 4 章 基於直方圖均化的螢幕背光調適演算法 21 4.1 全域直方圖均化(Global Histogram Equalization) 21 4.2 雙直方圖均化(Bi-Histogram Equalization) 23 4.3 時間區域性轉換函數 25 4.4 背光調降比(Brightness Reduction Ratio) 26 第 5 章 系統架構 29 5.1 系統實作 29 第 6 章 效能評估 31 6.1 環境設定 31 6.2 螢幕背光調適節能 31 6.3 SVC影像編碼節能 35 6.4 串流系統整體節能 37 第 7 章 結論 38 參考文獻 39

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