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研究生: 陳昱盛
Yu-sheng Chen
論文名稱: 一個用於歪斜復原文件影像的無特徵點接圖法
A Featureless Image Registration Method for Deskewed Document Images
指導教授: 范欽雄
Chin-Shyurng Fahn
口試委員: 曾定章
Din-Chang Tseng
Hong-Yuan Liao
Jung-Hua Wang
Hsing-Kuo Pao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: 區塊比對階層式搜尋法文件影像接合歪斜影像復原無特徵點法
外文關鍵詞: block matching, hierarchical search method, document image registration, featureless method, skew image recovery
相關次數: 點閱:708下載:0
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  •   近年來由於電腦網路已發展的相當成熟,傳輸速度也達到一般使用者的需求,因此
    的Niblack 法對文件影像進行二值化,它可有效改善陰影對二值化的影響,然後利用相

    In recent years, computer networks have been well developed, so that the transmission speeds can achieve the common user's demand. Therefore, many company and government documents are no longer confined to the form of paper; the digital information turns into one kind of popular communication media. Usually, people put digital information in the network to provide persons for inquiring or browsing the documents. Thus, the scanner is very important for a lot of people. However, this device is not convenient for use and occupies the
    space too large. In this thesis, we plan to employ a general web camera to carry on the work of a scanner. We expect it can enhance the convenience in the use. First, we recover skewed document images; secondly, we register the overlapped recovered document images. There are three main procedures in our implemented document image registration system. In the preprocessing procedure, the original document image which we capture is transferred into a grey-scale one and then binarized. Single threshold binarization methods are usually very difficult to remove the shadows in the images. An improved Niblack’s algorithm is used to binarize the grey-scale image, which may effectively reduce the influences caused by shadows. Subsequently, a connected component detection algorithm is applied to filtering non-textual information in the document image. The experimental results demonstrate this algorithm can filter the majority of the non-textual information to raise the stability of estimating skew angles. In the skew recovery procedure, a projection profile analysis method is adopted to detect the skew angle of a document image. Because this method must rotate and project the image degree by degree, the entire of detecting skew angles is quite time-consuming. To overcome this problem, we use a hierarchical search method to detect a coarse skew angle and then to approximately refine it. In the document image registration procedure, we apply a featureless image registration method. Since the skewed document image has been recovered, only translation and scale parameters need to compute between
    two overlapped recovered images. The registration method is based on sub-block matching. It can spend less computation time resulting from the hierarchical block matching concept. So far, our proposed methods can recovery skewed document images and register multiple overlapped recovered images correctly and fluently.

    中文摘要........................................................................................................................ I 英文摘要....................................................................................................................... II 誌 謝......................................................................................................................III 目 錄......................................................................................................................IV 圖表索引.......................................................................................................................V 第一章 緒論..................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究動機與目的..............................................................................................1 1.2 論文架構..........................................................................................................3 第二章 系統介紹..........................................................................................................4 2.1 系統架構.........................................................................................................4 2.2 系統規格.........................................................................................................7 2.3 假設條件.........................................................................................................7 第三章 文件歪斜角度偵測與復原..............................................................................8 3.1 歪斜校正問題導論.........................................................................................8 3.2 文件影像前處理............................................................................................10 3.2.1 灰階轉換............................................................................................11 3.2.2 二值化................................................................................................11 3.2.3 雜訊濾除............................................................................................12 3.3 歪斜角度偵測...............................................................................................15 3.4 歪斜影像復原...............................................................................................17 第四章 文件影像接圖................................................................................................19 4.1 接圖方法導論...............................................................................................19 4.2 特徵擷取.......................................................................................................22 4.3 特徵比對.......................................................................................................22 4.4 估計轉換模型...............................................................................................25 4.5 影像接合.......................................................................................................28 第五章 實驗結果與討論............................................................................................29 5.1 歪斜影像復原的實驗結果...........................................................................29 5.2 文件接合的實驗結果...................................................................................36 第六章 結論與未來研究方向....................................................................................47 6.1 結論...............................................................................................................47 6.2 未來研究方向...............................................................................................48 參考文獻......................................................................................................................49 作者簡介......................................................................................................................52 授權書..........................................................................................................................53

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