簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 張翔
Hsiang - Chang
論文名稱: 網路募資平台商業模式探討
On the Business Model for Crowd Fund Raising
指導教授: 曾盛恕
Seng-Su Tsang
口試委員: 張譯尹
Yi-Ying Chang
Ja-Shen Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 40
中文關鍵詞: 募資平台計畫行為理論創櫃版管理辦法群眾募資
外文關鍵詞: Online fundraising
相關次數: 點閱:625下載:1
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現在是網路迅速發展的年代,消費者的消費型態和習慣跟著網路產生巨大的變化而網路募資平台便是近幾年來興起的新形態網路消費模式,網路募資是自2008~2009年開始在美國開始發展,台灣的發展則是從2012年開始,而2014年台灣的創櫃版管理辦法更是為台灣的群眾募資立下了新紀元。各國皆有群眾募資法令的制定和準則,同時皆以群眾募資三大主元素:提案者、群眾募資平台、投資者,作為制定規範主軸在法令相繼確定後,群眾網路募資平台如雨後春筍出現,透過平台募得的金額也年年創下新紀錄。募資平台與其他網路社群網站雷同,有大者恆大的概念,具代表性的平台如Kickstarter, crowdfunder,台灣的Flying V等…
募資成功的案例有Pebble Watch,齊柏林的”看見台灣”首映會等。。隨著先進國家法令的制定,開放網路募資,開發中國家也開始跟進,群眾募資平台是非常適合開發中國家農、林、漁、牧產業的發展,在非洲,即出現以群眾網路募資發展肥料公司的案例,群眾募資並非是完全新創事業,而是人類原始需求的表現,在未有網路的資訊不透明的時代,”人”是主要的傳輸溝通工具,現在社會網路提供了另一個媒介來達成人和人之間新的溝通模式,本論文將利用計畫行為理論模型,研究此一新形態商業模式對集資者與購買者之間的行為模式與商機發展。本研究重點包含下列三點:
本研究以問券方式,對不同年齡層、性別、職業、年收入等對象,蒐集202份問券,使用Smart PLS來進行結構方程模型分析,透過因素分析和路徑分析統計法。評估消費者對募資平台的接受程度。

Now is the era of rapid development of network, consumer spending patterns and habits follow the network to make a huge change; the online fundraising platform is a new internet consumption pattern which is rising in recent years. Online fundraising is starting development in the United States during 2008-2009, Taiwan's development is starting from 2012, while TPEx began GISA (Go Incubation Board for Startup and Acceleration Firms) in 2014, it established a new era for Taiwan’s general public fundraising. Each country has the rules and guidelines on public fundraising regulations, and which are all based on the three major elements of the public fundraising: the proposer, public fundraising platform, investors, as the norms of the spindle. After the regulations have been identified, the public online fundraising platforms are springing up; the amount raised through the platform is also a new record every year. Fundraising platforms and other internet community websites are all the same, there is a concept of the big one getting bigger. The representative platforms are such as Kickstarter, crowdfunder, Taiwan’s Flying V, etc…
The successful fundraising cases have the Pebble Watch, the premiere of Zeppelin's "Seeing Taiwan" etc. …With the enactment of the regulations, the advanced countries open the online fundraising; the developing countries also began to follow up. The fundraising platform is very suitable for the developing countries to develop their agriculture, forestry, fisheries, animal husbandry. The case in Africa is the use of the public online fundraising to develop the fertilizer company. The public fundraising is not entirely a new business, but the human capital operation mode in the old times.“Human” is the primary tool of communication transmitted in the absence of network and information opaque era. The internet provides another media to reach a new mode of communication between people in today’s society. This paper will use the TPB model to study the new type of business model on behavior patterns and business opportunity development between the fundraisers and the buyers. This research focuses on the following three points:
1.Industry characteristics and entrepreneurial opportunities of public fundraising platform.
2.Behavior patterns and characteristics of fundraisers and buyers in these platforms.
3.Risk assessment of fundraising platform.
In this study, we use the questionnaire survey, for the objects of different age, gender, occupation, annual income, etc., to collect 200 copies of the questionnaire. Use Smart PLS to perform structural equation modeling analysis, through factor analysis and path analysis of statistical methods, to assess the acceptance level of consumers for the fundraising platform.

目錄 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究流程 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1 群眾募資平台的崛起 5 2.2 群眾募資平台產業特性與創業的機會 7 2.3平台的提案者與購買者的行為模式與特性 10 2.4 TPB研究理論 14 2.5買賣風險評估 18 第三章 研究設計與方法 21 3.1研究架構與變數定義 21 3.2資料分析方法 23 第四章 研究分析與結果 25 4.1 描述性統計 25 4.2 結構方程模式分析 27 第五章 結論與建議 31 5.1 結論 32 5.2管理意涵 33 5.3未來研究方向與建議 35 參考文獻 37 附錄 問卷 39  圖目錄 圖 1募資平台模式 1 圖 2募資平台作品 2 圖 3 研究流程圖 4 圖 4 作品及商品概念 8 圖 5募資平台流程圖 9 圖 6研究架構 21 圖 7路徑係數(t值)結果 30 圖 8創意發明產業鏈 36  表目錄 表 1變數定義 22 表 2描述性統計 25 表 3因素負荷量表 28 表 4信效度分析表 29 表 5相關分析表 29 表 6假說驗證結果 32 表 7募資平台彙整 34

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