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研究生: 鄭銘傑
Ming-Chieh Cheng
論文名稱: 建築資訊模型工作任務價值評估模式之研究
The Study of Value Evaluation of Work Items in Building Information Modeling
指導教授: 李欣運
Hsin-Yun Lee
口試委員: 鄭明淵
Min-Yuan Cheng
Yo-Ming Hsieh
Li-Ren Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 建築資訊模型方法目的鏈價值評估
外文關鍵詞: BIM(Building Information Modeling), Means-End Chain, Value Evaluation
相關次數: 點閱:356下載:0
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因此本研究以BIM(Building Information Modeling)技術服務委託項目的規劃為研究主軸,將BIM工作項目中的效益因子結合方法目的鏈理論(Means-End Chain,簡稱MEC)的概念,建構一價值階層模型,讓業主在進行採購BIM工作項目前能評估內心期望各個效益的比重,並經由模型分析後得到各項效益因子在專案中所占成效,協助業主評選在有限金額內如何選擇投入資源並達到專案的最大效益。

In the era of vigorous development of information technology, because of the increasingly fierce market competition environment, most enterprises use information technology as a tool to assist planning, operation and decision-making. Also the engineering industry uses information technology to effectively process large amounts of data and information.
The data that integrate and analyze, provides valuable information that we can reduce time, communication and error costs, and increase the effectiveness of the enterprise. The newer information technology introduced today includes the Internet of Things, 3D, 4D, 5D simulation tools and BIM technology, etc.
However, compared to others industry personnel, the engineering industry personnel have fewer opportunities to contact information technology. Because of the lack of knowledge base in this area, they sometimes make inadequate decisions of the selection of information tools and the introduction of information technology that makes them impossible to exert their auxiliary benefits, and even fail to cause more losses.
With the development of BIM technology, more and more projects are hoped to use BIM technology in the project, but the owner does not have enough sufficient knowledge and understanding of its application. And in the absence of domestic BIM standard conditions, it is relatively difficult for owners to understand how to import correctly and effectively. After the project is completed, it often results in excessive costs, cost-effectiveness, and so on.
Therefore, the main content of this research is the BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology which has not yet matured in Taiwan. The benefit factor in the BIM work project is combined with the concept of Means-End Chain (MEC) to construct a value hierarchy model.
This model allows owners to evaluate the proportion of various benefit factors before purchasing BIM work items. Through the analysis of the model, the effectiveness of various benefit factors in the project is obtained to assist the owner in selecting how to choose to invest resources within a limited amount, and then achieve the maximum benefit of the project.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 目錄 IV 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 IX 第一章、緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究流程 3 第二章、文獻回顧 5 2.1 BIM工作範圍規劃 5 2.1.1 BIM研究與推廣應用規劃概況 5 2.1.2 現階段BIM在營建工程中的挑戰 9 2.2 BIM USE(BIM應用)的內涵 11 2.3 方法目的鏈(MEC) 17 2.3.1 方法目的鏈理論 17 2.3.2 方法目的鏈的組成元素 18 2.3.3 方法目的鏈的衍生及相關研究 21 第三章、BIM價值階層模型之建構 24 3.1 模型建構步驟 24 1. 選定BIM Use 24 2. 決定模型中的效益因子 27 3. 將效益因子依影響程度排序 29 4. 將排序後的效益因子進行彙整 30 5. 依MEC階層強度分為四層 37 6. 將效益因子做關係連接並給予鏈結強度 40 7. 繪製價值階層圖 45 3.2 模型建構成果 46 1. 統整後各層效益因子 46 2. 所有鏈結關係的價值階層圖 46 第四章、模型使用 51 4.1 模型應用方法 51 4.2 價值階層因子的極端值分析 53 4.3 業主案例分析 74 1.使用者填寫A層之權重 74 2.模型分析後得到D層結果 74 3.依預估專案成效選擇工作項目 76 4.評估價值權重達成率 77 5.評選工作任務增減價值權重 79 第五章、結論與建議 84 5.1研究結論 84 5.2研究限制與未來研究建議 85 參考文獻 86 附錄一、統整之所有效益因子 89 A層效益因子(專案期望達到的價值) 89 B層效益因子(影響程度較大結果) 89 C層效益因子(影響程度較小結果) 90 D層效益因子(工作項目) 93 附錄二、效益因子增加成效表 97 附錄三、各項工作任務之整體專案成效表 99 附錄三、各項工作任務之整體專案成效表(續) 100

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