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研究生: 林伊欣
Yi-Xin Lin
論文名稱: 臺灣與中國大陸工程竣工結算制度比較
Comparisons of Completion Settlement system Between Taiwan and Chinese mainland
指導教授: 楊亦東
I-Tung Yang
口試委員: 王維志
Wei-Chih Wang
C-W Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 專案管理竣工結算兩岸對比監造變更設計竣工驗收
外文關鍵詞: project management, completion settlement, cross-strait comparison, supervision, change design, completion acceptance
相關次數: 點閱:188下載:0
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  • 中國大陸加入世界貿易組織後,建築工程的難度和規模都在不斷提高,處於高速發展階段。引進科學的管理模式,有助於中國大陸相關行業迅速成長,在既有基礎上吸收優秀的經驗和先進的管理模式,提高建築行業的產出率,提升在國際市場的競爭力。台灣在過去工程建設中,專案管理已被廣泛使用,相關制度已陸續建構並獲得良好成效。

    After Chinese mainland joined the World Trade Organization, the difficulty and scale of Chinese mainland's construction projects are constantly increasing, and it is in a high-speed development stage. The introduction of scientific management mode will help the related industries in Chinese mainland to grow rapidly, absorb excellent experience and advanced management mode on the existing basis, improve the output rate of the construction industry, and enhance the competitiveness in the international market. In Taiwan, project management has been widely used in the past engineering construction, and relevant systems have been constructed one after another and achieved good results.
    The construction stage in the project life cycle includes four parts: project bidding, commencement preparation, construction and completion settlement. In this paper, the completion of the settlement phase of supervision report, design change, completion acceptance of three aspects of the content of the study. Manufacturing supervision report is the record of manufacturing supervision by manufacturing supervisors on the construction site, and it is an important project file when completion is filed. Design alteration is the operation of adding, subtracting and revising the original design drawings after the project is awarded. Completion acceptance is the last procedure in the whole construction process and the last work of project management. This study collects the documents used in these three areas and analyzes their contents by means of expert interviews, comparison, analogy and induction, and obtains the similarities and differences between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits in these three areas. The contents of these three aspects are consistent between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. The documents used in public works in Taiwan are customized by the Public Construction Commission, but there is no uniform regulation in Chinese mainland. There is a profession of cost engineer in Chinese mainland, which is a professional engaged in engineering cost activities and runs through the whole life cycle of the project. However, there are no personnel specializing in this profession in Taiwan, and architects are generally responsible for it. When the design changes in Chinese mainland the content will be calculated by cost engineers at the time of settlement and will not be discussed in the construction process. Therefore, there are differences between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait at the stage of completion settlement. Through this study, the two sides of the Taiwan Straits can understand each other the relevant regulations and documents of the completion settlement stage, which is helpful for the exchange and cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits at the level of project management.

    論文摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 X 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究目的 3 1.3 研究範圍 3 1.4 研究方法與流程 3 第二章 文獻回顧 6 2.1 專案管理不同地區和國家發展與現況 6 2.1.1 中國大陸 6 2.1.2 臺灣 8 2.1.3 美國 9 2.1.4 英國 10 2.1.5 日本 11 2.2 中國大陸監理制度的發展與現況 12 2.2.1 監理的涵義和結構 12 2.2.2 中國大陸建設工程監理法律制度的基本內容 13 2.3 工程生命週期 14 2.3.1 生命週期的定義 14 2.3.2 生命週期成本的定義 14 2.3.3 專案招投標 15 2.3.4 工程開工準備 15 2.3.5 竣工驗收 15 2.3.6 竣工結算 16 2.4 既有臺灣與大陸專案管理研究 16 2.5 小結 18 第三章 兩岸監造報表的比較 19 3.1 監造報表的介紹 19 3.1.1 監造報表的定義 19 3.1.2 監理日誌的表格 19 3.2 監造報表內容比較 22 3.2.1 監造報表的內容 22 3.2.2 監造報表的進度管理比較 26 3.2.3 監造報表的檢核與規章比較 31 3.3 小結 36 第四章 兩岸變更設計的比較 38 4.1 變更設計的介紹 38 4.1.1 變更設計的定義 38 4.1.2 設計變更的表格 39 4.2 變更設計的內容比較 47 4.2.1 變更設計的內容 47 4.2.2 大陸設計變更申請單 48 4.2.3 設計變更提議單比較 50 4.2.4 變更設計數量表內容比較 53 4.3 小結 57 第五章 兩岸竣工驗收的比較 59 5.1 竣工驗收的介紹 59 5.1.1 竣工驗收的定義 59 5.1.2 竣工驗收的表格 59 5.2 竣工驗收的內容比較 67 5.2.1 竣工驗收內容介紹 67 5.2.2 工程竣工報告表的比較 68 5.2.3 工程竣工查驗紀錄的比較 72 5.2.4 驗收紀錄的比較 75 5.3 小結 81 第六章 結論與建議 83 6.1 結論 83 6.2 建議 84 參考文獻 85

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