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Author: 王薇
Wei - Wang
Thesis Title: 創新服務:美兆自動化健檢系統
Service Innovation: a Revolution of MJ Automatic Health Screening System
Advisor: 欒斌
Pin Luarn
Committee: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
Cheng-Kang Chen
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2011
Graduation Academic Year: 99
Language: 中文
Pages: 53
Keywords (in Chinese): 創新服務自動化健檢多層次傳銷口碑行銷
Keywords (in other languages): Innovative services, Automatic health screening, Multi-level marketing, Word of mouth marketing
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  • 過去分析型的個案,多以平鋪直敘的方式來呈現企業問題、分析的過程與解決方案,使沒有管理經驗的學生無法體會管理理論應用在實務上的意義,而有實務經驗的學生則無法理解教科書上的理論內涵,在理論和實務無法結合的情況下,個案教學往往變的事倍功半。

    This case study is an instance of service innovation in the field of preventive medicine. The case explored the establishment of MJ Health Screening Center, the first independent health screening center in Asia, and its unique business model. Founder and chairman, C.K. Tsao, whom had no medical background, developed the revolutionary automatic health screening system, MAJOR. The patent MAJOR system can examine the client against one hundred items using a computerized cross-check examination format. The routine is completed in four hours and enables MJ to issue a comprehensive report on the same day. The company’s service and reputation has positioned MJ on the forefront of health management service.
    Through the difficult early years, MJ has established 8 locations throughout Asia, including Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. Its health management platform has accumulated 1.5 million data entries. This database enables MJ to provide better service in health management trough data mining and research collaboration with the academia.
    Chairman Tsao has successfully expanded his business through word of mouth marketing and direct sales, but new challenges arise in front of him. Is MJ’s health screening service still revolutionary? Is MJ’s business model still unique among competitors? This case study will lead the reader to explore new opportunity for MJ.

    推薦書 I 審定書 II 目錄 III 表目錄 IV 圖目錄 V 摘要 VI Abstract VII 致謝 VIII 創新服務:美兆自動化健檢系統 1 一、 健康檢查產業概況 1 (一). 健康檢查的市場與定義 1 (二). 台灣健康檢查的趨勢 2 二、 美兆的誕生 3 三、 美兆的創舉 5 (一). 流程效率化 5 (二). 讓會員不只是會員 6 (三). 賓至如歸的健檢體驗 7 (四). 改善醫院的習慣 8 (五). 標準化的優勢 9 (六). 標準化生產線流程 10 四、 資料庫的建立 12 五、 Success or not? 13 六、 討論問題 14 教師手冊 15 一、 個案總覽(Case Synopsis) 15 (一). 教學目標(Teaching Objectives) 15 (二). 課前準備(Assignment) 16 (三). 適用課程與對象(Course and Levels for which the Case is Intended) 16 (四). 教學總覽(Pedagogical Overview) 16 二、 問題與參考答案(Discussion Questions and Answers) 17 三、 教學建議(Teaching Suggestions) 39 四、 板書 40 參考文獻 42

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