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研究生: 黃德龍
Te-lung Huang
論文名稱: 應用作業基礎成本制於營造業成本分攤模式之研究-以個案公司為例
Study of Cost Sharing Pattern in a Construction Company with ABC (Activity Based costing)
指導教授: 林瑞珠
Jui-chu Lin
Wen-dwo Yang
口試委員: 張聖麟
Sheng-lin Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 88
中文關鍵詞: 營造業作業基礎成本制度
外文關鍵詞: Activity-Based Costing, construction industry.
相關次數: 點閱:250下載:0
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Construction business is in fact a so-called locomotive industry for nation’s economic development. However, the integrated growth of domestic construction business is different from construction market development of most foreign countries due to multi-factors’ effect causing from restriction of market scale, heading toward a deadlock of laws and rules, uncertainty of policy regulation, etc. To adapt to circumstances and to survive, people in the construction business develop a practically unique running pattern. Owing to the rising of this special situation, the domestic construction firms encounter the dilemma of being unable to enhance techniques and can not possess capability of competing internationally. Based on this phenomenon, the research adopts one construction firm of general case, which is in the pattern existing in the most domestic construction firms in order to conduct analysis of related practical operation cost, and further understand what the using ratio is of the real cost by the general construction firms, and then assisting them to acquire some inspiration from the research achievement so as to proceed adjustment organization pattern inside the company and operation procedures as well as to distribute and to use the limited resource of the company sufficiently and effectively.
This research is to explain the distribution method of company’s resource by firstly basing on the organized structure and cost attribution method of the case construction firm, then basing on company’s practical running situation, which is in accordance with the regulations of the tax authorities by adopting one-time completion of the work as well as work completion ratio through splitting of the case and year to attribute the cost, to itemize in detail resource using status and cost status understood by company’s management level, then to re-attribute the practical cost according to the basic cost system of operation letting the use of all resources go back to reality so as to provide management level with more accurate judging basis.
It is found from the conclusion of this research that the general construction firms at the moment are facing the difficulties in practical running owing to gradual down-sizing of the market scale and the impact of the government purchase system. Because of company’s indirect cost keeping high, the taking of cases would be definitely affected if lowering down expenditure of the indirect cost. Therefore, the dilemma of “which comes first, hen or egg?” is thus being faced. In addition, it is also irrational that the indirect cost is calculated by adopting the ratio of total cost. Often there is a calculation by adding the so-called unused indirect cost into the direct cost, or into the indirect cost, causing the direct cost on the high side. How to control the balance point between the direct cost and the indirect cost, and the conclusion of the basic cost system in operation is giving a new thinking way to the construction firms, or how to be assisted by virtue of present IT industrial techniques so as to achieve the goal of total cost-down. This seems to be an inevitable road to go.

目錄 摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 VI 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 IX 第一章、 緒論 1 第一節、 研究背景與動機 1 第二節、 研究目的 3 第三節、 研究限制 3 第四節、 研究流程 4 第二章、 文獻探討 6 第一節、 成本制度的沿革 6 第二節、 ABC理論 11 第三節、 ABC的設計及執行 17 第三章、 研究方法 21 第一節、 研究對象 21 第二節、 研究架構 22 第四章、 產業分析 24 第一節、 產業概況分析 24 第二節、 供給與需求分析 27 第三節、 現行之廠商成本制度與政府會計制度 34 第四節、 未來發展 36 第五章、 個案應用 39 第一節、 個案公司簡介 39 第二節、 ABC模型之建立 48 第三節、 導入ABC之成本分析 62 第六章、 結論與建議 69 第一節、 研究結論 69 第二節、 研究建議 70 本文註釋 72 參考文獻 73 圖目錄 圖1-1:研究流程 5 圖2-1:傳統成本制度 7 圖2-2:傳統成本制度扭曲成本示意圖 8 圖2-3:作業基礎成本制度 9 圖2-4:雙構面ABC模型 12 圖2-5:作業基礎成本制度的效益 15 圖3-1:研究架構 22 圖4-1:營造業產業關聯圖 34 圖5-1:組織架構圖 40 圖5-2:服務流程圖 42 圖5-3:傳統成本制度-針對專案工程 44 圖5-4:傳統成本制度-針對公司整體 45 圖5-5:個案公司實施ABC之建立程序 49 圖5-6:作業流程圖 52 圖5-7:個案公司導入ABC之成本分攤流程-第一階段分攤 63 圖5-8:個案公司導入ABC之成本分攤流程-第二階段分攤 64 圖5-9:閒置資源示意圖 66 表目錄 表2-1:傳統成本制度與ABC制度之差異 11 表4-1:營造業生產額與國內生產毛額 25 表4-2:營造產業特性 28 表4-3:營造業設立條件 29 表4-4:綜合營造業各級廠商家數 30 表4-5:各類營造業資本額分佈家數 31 表4-6:2005年營造業前十大廠商 32 表5-1:個案公司基本資料 39 表5-2:傳統成本制度成本項目比例 46 表5-3:資源項目說明表 50 表5-4:作業項目說明表 54 表5-5:資源動因說明表 55 表5-6:公司資源依資源動因分配至作業比例 57 表5-7:公司資源分攤後的作業成本 58 表5-8:加入支援作業成本後的主要作業成本 59 表5-9:作業動因說明表 60 表5-10:總動因量表 61 表5-11:作業單位成本表 61 表5-12:產出作業成本池 62 表5-13:傳統成本與ABC比較-作業項目成本 65 表5-14:產品項目成本結構 66

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三、 網站部份
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