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研究生: 柯美任
Mei-Ren Ke
論文名稱: 根據非線性規劃法、餘弦相似度測量、及區間直覺模糊值之新的得分函數以作多屬性決策之新方法
Multiattribute Decision Making Using Nonlinear Programming Model, Cosine Similarity Measure, and Novel Score Function of Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Values
指導教授: 陳錫明
Shyi-Ming Chen
口試委員: 陳錫明
Shyi-Ming Chen
Yung-Ho Leu
Shou-Hsiung Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 餘弦相似度決策矩陣區間直覺模糊值多屬性決策非線性規劃得分函數
外文關鍵詞: Cosine Similarity Measure, Decision Matrix, Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Value, Multiattribute Decision Making, Nonlinear Programming, Score Function
相關次數: 點閱:732下載:8
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In this thesis, we propose a new multiattribute decision making method using the
proposed score function of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy values, the cosine
similarity measure of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy values, and the proposed
nonlinear programming model. The proposed score function of interval-valued
intuitionistic fuzzy values can overcome the drawbacks of the existing score functions for ranking interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy values. The proposed multiattribute decision making method can overcome the drawbacks of the existing multiattribute decision making methods based on interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy values. Firstly, we propose a novel score function of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy values to overcome the drawbacks of the existing score functions of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy values. Then, we build a score matrix based on the proposed score function of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy values and the decision matrix provided by the decision maker. Then, we construct a nonlinear programming model based on the cosine similarity of interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy values and the interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy weights of the attributes. Then, we solve the nonlinear programming model to get the optimal weights of the attributes, respectively. Based on the obtained optimal weights of the attributes and the constructed score matrix, we calculate the weighted scores of the alternatives, respectively. Finally, we rank the alternatives based on the obtained weighted scores. The proposed multiattribute decision making method offers us a very useful approach for multiattribute decision making in interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy

Abstract in Chinese.................................................. i Abstract in English................................................. ii Acknowledgements................................................... iii Contents............................................................ iv Chapter 1 Introduction............................................... 1 1.1 Motivation...................................................... 1 1.2 Organization of This Thesis..................................... 2 Chapter 2 Preliminaries.............................................. 4 2.1 Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Values.......................................... 4 2.2 Ranking Method of Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Values... 4 2.3 Score Functions of Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Values.. 4 2.4 The Largest Range of Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Values 6 2.5 The Cosine Similarity Measure of Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Values......................................................... 6 2.6 Summary......................................................... 7 Chapter 3 The Proposed Score Function of Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Values............................................................... 8 3.1 The Proposed Score Function..................................... 8 3.2 Examples....................................................... 13 3.3 A Comparison of the Existing Score Functions................... 23 3.4 Summary........................................................ 24 Chapter 4 Analyze the Drawbacks of Chen and Tsai’s Multiattribute Decision Method.............................................................. 25 4.1 A Review of Chen and Tsai’s Multiattribute Decision Making Method.............................................................. 25 4.2 The Shortcomings of Chen and Tsai’s Multiattribute Decision Making Method....................................................... 27 4.3 Summary........................................................ 36 Chapter 5 A Novel Multiattribute Decision Making Method Based on the Nonlinear Programming Model, the Cosine Similarity Measure and the Proposed Score Function of Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Values.............................................................. 38 5.1 A Novel Multiattribute Decision Making Method.................. 38 5.2 Application Examples........................................... 41 5.3 Summary........................................................ 63 Chapter 6 Conclusions............................................... 64 6.1 Contributions of This Thesis................................... 64 6.2 Future Research................................................ 65 References.......................................................... 66

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