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研究生: 黃鈺琳
Yu-Lin Huang
論文名稱: 應用自組織映射圖網路與K-Means於中國大陸股票型基金與QDII基金投資策略之研究
An Application of SOM and K-Means on the Investments Strategies of Chinese Stock Fund and QDII Fund
指導教授: 洪政煌
Cheng Huang Hung
Shang-Wu Yu
口試委員: 盧瑞山
Ruei-Shan Lu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 自組織映射圖網路K-Means灰預測傅立葉殘差修正投資組合投資策略
外文關鍵詞: K-Means, Residual Correction Fourier GM(1.1), Portfolio, Investment Strategies, Self-Organization Map(SOM)
相關次數: 點閱:672下載:2
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本研究之主要目的為利用自組織映射圖網路(SOM)、K-Means將QDII基金及中國股票型基金指標形成分群,與傳統Sharpe績效指標排名前三高的基金為投資組合作為比較,再以灰預測傅立葉殘差修正模型作為預測基金下期淨值為投資策略的依據,與傳統順向趨勢、逆向趨勢、買進持有的投資策略作為比較,透過以上投資組合與投資策略的模型,比較不同模型之績效。研究資料取自台灣經濟新報資料庫,資料樣本期間為2008/07/31至 2010/12/31,對象為138支中國大陸股票型基金及9支QDII海外型基金,實證結果如下:

In this paper we adopt performance appraisal tools of Self-Organization Map (SOM), K-Means to cluster QDII funds and china stock funds, comparing with traditional Sharpe index ordered by top three. Then use Residual Correction Fourier GM(1,1) to predict next fund net as basis of investment Strategies to compare with the investment Strategies of Follow-The-Trend, Anti-Trend and Buy-And-Hold. To compare different model‘s performances through the portfolio and investment strategy.
This research adopts materials extracted from Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ). The research samplings were selected in the duration of July 31 2008 to December 31 2010. There are total of 138 china stock funds samplings, 9 QDII funds samplings. The empirical study findings are as follow:
1. As for stock selection strategy, this thesis applies Self-Organization Map (SOM), K-Means to establish portfolios are better than the portfolios established by Sharpe index. And it also exhibits significant relevancies through further statistical tests.
2. After observing through the MSE and RMSE, the samples with the possessing learning mechanism of the clustering method of the Self-Organization Map(SOM) and K-Means collocate with the Residual Correction Fourier GM(1,1) are better, especially those apply by SOM the investment strategy is averaged the best.
3. As for the accuracy, hit-and-miss ratio: use Residual Correction Fourier GM(1,1) as the investment strategy is higher than the traditional investment strategy’s hit-and-miss ratio which without learning mechanism.
4. As for the performance of investment funds: use QDII funds as samplings, the formation of Self-Organization Map (SOM) to establish portfolios with Residual Correction Fourier GM (1, 1) has the highest average rate of return of month; China stock funds as experimental samplings, the formation of Self-Organization Map (SOM) to establish portfolios with Anti-Trend has the highest average rate of return of month.
5. As for overall performance, the average rate of return of month, hit-and-miss ratio, mean-square error, root-mean-square error, the methods possessing learning mechanism of SOM, K-Means, and Residual Correction Fourier GM (1,1) are better than the method which without learning mechanism.

中文摘要I ABSTRACTII 致謝IV 目錄V 表目錄VIII 第一章 緒論1 1.1 研究動機1 1.2 研究目的2 1.3 研究架構3 1.4 研究對象與範圍4 第二章 文獻探討5 2.1 中國QDII基金與中國大陸股票型基金介紹5 2.1.1 中國QDII基金介紹5 2.1.2 中國大陸股票型基金介紹 7 2.2 自組織映射圖(Self-Organization Map,SOM)13 2.2.1 自組織映射圖相關文獻16 2.3 K-Means Cluster集群分析19 2.3.1 K-Means Cluster集群分析相關文獻20 2.4 灰預測傅立葉殘差修正模型21 2.4.1 灰色模型相關文獻23 第三章 研究方法25 3.1 研究架構25 3.2 資料來源及變數篩選26 3.3投資組合建構30 3.3.1自組織映射圖網路30 3.3.2 K-Means Cluster集群分析31 3.3.3傳統績效指標Sharpe排序法31 3.4 投資策略建構34 3.4.1灰預測傅立葉殘差修正模型34 3.4.2買進持有法35 3.4.3順向趨勢法36 3.4.4逆向趨勢法36 3.5 投資績效分析36 第四章 實證結果與分析38 4.1選股策略分析38 4.2 QDII海外型基金分析40 4.2.1各種投資策略分析40 4.2.2評估各種投資組合與投資策略比較結果43 4.2.3 QDII海外型基金統計檢定分析45 4.3 中國股票型基金分析49 4.3.1 各種投資策略分析49 4.3.2 評估各種投資組合與投資策略比較結果52 4.3.3 中國股票型基金統計檢定分析54 第五章 結論與建議57 5.1 研究結論57 5.1.1 QDII海外型基金小結57 5.1.2 中國股票型基金小結58 5.1.3 總結59 5.2 管理意涵60 5.3 研究限制60 5.4 研究建議61 參考文獻62

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