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研究生: 謝政軒
Cheng-Hsuan Hsieh
論文名稱: 壓電驅動系統於AFM頻率回授控制之分析
Analysis of Piezoelectric Actuating System in AFM Frequency Feedback Control
指導教授: 張以全
I-Tsyuen Chang
口試委員: 藍振洋
Chen-yang Lan
Hsien-I Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 93
中文關鍵詞: 原子力顯微鏡系統識別比例積分控制器希爾伯特黃轉換壓電驅動器
外文關鍵詞: atomic force microscope, system identification, PI controller, Hilbert Huang transform, piezo actuator
相關次數: 點閱:490下載:0
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Atomic force microscopes are commonly used to scan nano samples, such as biological cells, DNA, etc. Because the size of the scanned sample is very small, and the force between the probe and the surface is sensitive to changes, the accuracy of the atomic force microscope needs to be very high to obtain a clear surface profile. This thesis simulates the AFM system, the scanning mode is tapping , and the proportional integral controller is used to control the z-axis piezoelectric scanner. Then, for the real-time signal of the probe with high variability, the signal is analyzed by Empirical Mode Decomposition to obtain its instantaneous frequency, and the general convergence conditions for amplitude are discarded. The instantaneous frequency is used as the feedback signal to increase the scanning speed and accuracy. Finally, experiment to get the system identification of the most important z-axis piezoelectric driver, get his Bode diagram, and put it into the simulated control system for comparison, and apply it to instantaneous frequency feedback and amplitude feedback in the identification system.

論文摘要-----I 英文摘要-----II 誌謝-----III 目錄-----IV 圖目錄-----V 1 介紹 1.1研究動機 1.2研究目的 1.3控制器設計 1.4希爾伯特-黃轉換 1.5系統識別 1.6電容式感測 1.7逆壓電效應 1.8文獻回顧 2 AFM系統模擬介紹 2.1探針的運動特徵 2.2質量彈簧阻尼系統 2.3凡得瓦力 2.4壓電掃描器 2.5AFM方塊圖 3 控制器設計之模擬架構 3.1系統模擬架構 3.2控制器設計 4 頻率回授 4.1EMD分析 4.2瞬時頻率回授 5 壓電驅動器之頻域響應 5.1系統鑑定 5.2壓電鑑定實驗架構 5.3實驗結果 6 結論與未來展望 6.1結論 6.2未來展望

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